• Weekly Astrological Forecast for June 3 through June 9, 2024

    June 3 through June 9, 2024

    There's an abundance of Gemini energy in the air this week, which will make for exciting conversations, interesting discoveries, and lots of time spent surfing the Internet. Along with the Sun traveling through this versatile sign, Mercury (the planet that rules Gemini) will move into Gemini on Monday, followed by a Gemini new Moon on Thursday! The week will wind up with Mars moving into grounding Taurus on Saturday, which will give our actions more staying power and success for the next two months. We'll have a Taurus Moon overhead on Monday and Tuesday, so obviously, the best time to get anything of a productive nature done, while Wednesday and Thursday's Gemini Moon keeps our focus on conversations and brainstorming with others. Collaboration is the key mid-week, so be sure to join forces with others to get the latest and most comprehensive info! Things slow down through the remainder of the week under a comfort-seeking Cancer Moon, and we'll find ourselves focused on self-nurturing when the Moon moves into Leo on Sunday.

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  • Divination: Using Palms, the Tarot, and the Dictionary to Tell the Future

    Divination: Using Palms, the Tarot, and the Dictionary to Tell the Future, by Beleta Greenaway

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    Throughout the centuries, divination has been used to investigate future events. Many methods have been tried and tested in the hope of revealing hidden answers. I have held a fascination for this subject for many years, which was why I eventually put pen to paper with my daughter, Leanna Greenaway, and wrote, Catalog of the Unexplained.

    I have been a working palmist for over forty years and have studied many clients' hands, gaining a great deal of information and knowledge (which I wrote about in one of my other books, Palmistry Out of your Hands).

    The very first impressions happen when taking the person's hands into yours; there is usually an immediate vibration to into which you can hone. Perhaps they're feeling unwell, or you'll pick up that there is a sadness in their aura. One of the more visible signs is cold hands, cold fingers, or a bluish tint to the nails. Obviously, there is a circulatory problem for the querent. Perhaps they should live in a warmer climate. Here are some other signs and their meanings.

    • Yellow Nails: This has the potential to indicate a liver condition. Does the person drink too much alcohol? I would always be careful about approaching this subject, and instead would advise my client to drink more water or to perform a detoxification program.
    • Reddish Nails: If I am reading for a hunky man who has a reddish hue to his nails, he will usually enjoy sex. Later I would inspect his heart line to see if the prognosis is correct.
    • White or Opaque Nails: These will often have a dark banding at the top of the nail, indicating that the client might have diabetes. At this point, I would stop myself from diagnosing and suggest they might like to visit their doctor for a check-up or, maybe a blood test.
    • Pitted Nails: These signify that the querent has suffered some kind of recent shock, especially if there are a couple of deep purple pits on the nail. Generally, pitted nails represent skin conditions such as alopecia, dermatitis, or psoriasis.
    • The Fate Line: It is not generally known, but many Vedic palmists will measure the fate line as a way of telling how long the person will live, so great credence is put upon it. A person's wealth, career, and fortune can be seen with the expert eye. A weak fate line can mean the person is scattered and will often get into a muddle or let others make decisions for them. A robust, clear fate line represents someone who is in charge of their life and will forge ahead with a dedicated career, attracting good luck to them.
    • Heart Line: This is the first line that sits under the mounts of the fingers. A long, curved, strong heart line that has a deep pink color represents a healthy and well-rounded person. If the heart line is broken or bitty and lacks pigment, the individual can be inclined to be weak in love and a bit of a victim. (When seeing this on a female, I have often remarked that she really ought to summon some courage and kick him to the curb! Sometimes they do listen and go on to have a much better life). A short, broken heart line with purple indentations could be linked to problems associated with heart health. When teaching my students, I tell them it's not their business to make any remarks on this topic; leave that to the doctor.
    • Lifeline: This is the line that curves around the thumb area or the Mount of Venus. Having a short lifeline does not indicate a short life, as other aspects of the hand have to be considered. A depressed person who feels they have nothing to live for can have this connotation, but when their life changes for the better, it's amazing how the lifeline can actually start to grow again. A professional palmist will measure the lifeline and date it. Usually, to find out this information, a print is taken, or an acceptable photocopy of the hand can be used for this process.
    • Relationship Lines: If the Mercury finger (the little finger) is bent forward, these lines are present to the side near the heart line. The more lines, the more relationships, especially if there are dash lines across them. A curved line that connects to the heart line can be a sign of widowhood. If it has a fork, it's likely the client is divorced.
    • Marriage and Children: The children's lines sit on the Mercury Mount, or just under the little pinky finger. Traditionally, slanting lines were said to be girls and straight lines represent boys. If one of the lines were crossed by another, a miscarriage could occur. Sometimes, these predictions can be a bit hit and miss. Once, I was reading for a glamourous blonde and noted she had seven sons on her palm. "These lines are ridiculous," I said to myself, "and can't possibly be true." The client asked why I was looking so perplexed, so I smiled and remarked that she should have seven sons according to her line-markings. She laughed and said how clever I was because she did indeed have seven sons: two sets of twins and three individual ones. I coolly replied, "Well, there you go!"

    The subject of palmistry is vast and extremely interesting. Even after studying it for the best part of my adult life, I still cannot believe how uncannily accurate it is.

    My search into the paranormal brought me to explore another form of divination, the tarot. My daughter Leanna and I collectively have over sixty years' experience in tarot readings and went on to teach many students from all over the world. Anyone can learn tarot, whether they are psychic or not. There is nothing better than to see the joy on the students' faces when they actually do their first reading and get it right! Many clairvoyants prefer this form of divination because, believe it or not, we don’t wake up psychic every morning. The beauty of the tarot is that if you are having a psychic "off" day or you just can't get into the zone, a shuffled deck of cards will give the querent all the answers they are seeking. Each card has its own meaning, and this will change accordingly, depending on which cards are placed beside or around it. Many sceptics have argued that a pack of cards can't possibly predict future events and that surely, if you were to repeat a reading soon after performing one, a different set of cards would appear. I have tested this theory a few times in my life and once asked a client to shuffle two completely different decks separately. When I pulled out the cards and laid them in front of me, both spreads contained the majority of the same cards; they may be situated in a different sequence, but identical, all the same.

    Reading tarot utilizes the right-hand side of the brain and enables the opening of the inner eye chakra, which sits directly between the eyebrows. The tarot works as a crutch to help the clairvoyant tune in psychically through their third eye.

    Common Misconceptions about Tarot
    There are 78 tarot cards in a traditional deck, and 22 of them house the Major Arcana and 56 represent the Minor Arcana. A novice might view the graphic images cautiously and worry that some might look sinister. Here are just a few topics of information that will hopefully dispel that myth.

    • Card Number 12: The Hanged Man: This card portrays an unfortunate individual strapped upside down to a tree by one of his legs. The picture immediately tells us that he feels stuck and might never move on. He thinks, "Is this all there is to my life?" Positive Meaning: A time to change, get out of a rut, and also banish those bad habits that are holding him back. He should focus more on meditation and think things through in a more profound way for enlightenment. There could be obstacles in his path, preventing him from getting where he wants to be. Tell him to be patient. It could take twelve months before the blockades lift, but he will get there in the end.
    • Card Number 13: Death: Here we see the grim reaper. Is he coming to tell bad news, or is it something sinister, like a death? Positive Meaning. Because this is the Scorpio card, many readers use this to time when an event might happen, such as in October, November, or around the fall. It predicts the end of one phase and the beginning of another or, in many cases, the birth of a new beginning. When one door closes, another will open, so it is often thought about as an incredibly positive card. It's true that it also represents death, but only if this card is placed next to a large, numbered Sword card (such as the nine, ten, or even the Tower). The opposite can be said if it sits around a Cup or Coin card, predicting a wonderful celebration on the horizon that will change a person's life.
    • Card Number 15: Devil: This is an ugly card and signifies the time of Capricorn. When the Devil is in situ, the querent or someone around him could be chained by drugs, alcohol, and food addictions. There could also be a controlling or violent relationship with which they need to deal. Positive Meaning. If next to the Strength card, they will overcome all obstacles. If near The Hermit, Temperance, or the Star, spiritual protection is all around them. They are not alone and will win the day.
    • Card Number 16: Tower: I find this the most challenging card. It can represent someone with a mental illness in the family or news of a shocking death, usually to do with the head. It can also mean accidents or huge arguments, and often, I have used this for those who are feeling suicidal. Positive Meaning. Its impact is lessened when placed around positive cards such as the High Priestess, Sun, or World. It tells the querent to keep going, don't give in, and remember that your Karma is being tested, so best to do things correctly.
    • Card Number 20: Judgement: An Angel looks upon the individual with great care as it is a time of being stretched with little room to maneuver. Fate is in charge. Positive Meaning. Life is challenging, but the soul is becoming wiser because of the hardships of the past. The querent will be ascending up the spiritual ladder and will awaken to his real purpose. Karmic debts are being paid as he takes himself upwards.

    Dictionary Divination
    I close this article on a more unknown form of divination that has become ever popular over the last twenty years or so. When a person wants to communicate directly with the spirit world, they can use a large dictionary to find the answers they seek. This exercise involves performing a meditation beforehand to get into a more relaxed and open frame of mind.

    Time to prepare is a must. It works by asking out loud a question that involves a specific answer. Something like, "Will I change my job?" or, "What should I do about my annoying mother-in-law?" You would verbalize your question and then scroll or flick through the book's pages with your thumb, close your eyes, and randomly point to a page in the book. Look at the word you have landed on. If that word makes no sense, you can look at the line of wording above or below. Your answers might be obvious in a sentence like, "A job awaits," or you might immediately land on the word "mother-in-law." You then continue to ask more questions relating to your query and piece together your answers.

    When Leanna was younger, she once asked the dictionary the name of the person she would marry and, after a few attempts, pointed to the name Graham. She eventually married a Steven but, after divorcing thirteen years later, went on to marry Graeme. There is no set timing with the dictionary's predictions, but they do engage a connection with the spirit realm. Loved ones in spirit can also communicate with those they have left behind. It's a way of touching base and letting you know they are safe and well.

    When a person is interested in one aspect of the paranormal, it is quite likely that they'll continue to explore other avenues. From being very young, I had a thirst for knowledge on all things unexplained and, for years, used to jot down bits of information on my findings. This is how the Catalog of the Unexplained was born. Of course, we had to extensively research hundreds of topics, making sure we gave the correct information. Still, having written six books so far in my life, I can safely say that this was the most interesting and most challenging of all for Leanna and myself.

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2021. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Uncovering Past Lives

    Some time ago I met a man I felt a really strong connection to, and it got me thinking about past lives. Suddenly, I feel a very strong need to learn about my past lives and how they may be affecting my current experiences. I bought a book on regression and I asked a friend to help me with the process. She told me she wasn't comfortable with the idea, because she said that exploring past lives can be dangerous if traumatic experiences are recalled. She urged me not to do it, or at least to find someone with lots of experience to guide me through it. I feel like she's making a big deal out of nothing. Do you think it can be dangerous? Also, do you have any advice on how to go about exploring our past lives? Thank you!



    Some people believe that exploring past lives can be dangerous, and some people think it is perfectly safe. Your friend is obviously one of the ones who feels it is risky.

    I personally feel that if it is done properly, and not as a parlor trick or a form of entertainment, it can be very helpful.

    Your friend is right in one aspect: Sometimes we find out very traumatic or frightening information while exploring previous lives. We were not always happy, well-behaved, or even goodhearted people. We have all had some really horrible lives.

    For example, in one life I was a priestess who threw newborn babies into a volcano as a form of sacrifice. I really felt justified in doing this in that life, but in this life, I find it appalling. You cannot, under any circumstances, expect all your lives to be full of joy, goodness and happiness.

    This man is a catalyst for you to go and find out what you need to know about your past lives. In my own past life journeys, I've found that there are common themes in each lifetime I have lived, including this one.

    The one theme that comes to mind now is that in every lifetime, I lived and died alone. As my regular clients may remember, I am also single in this life and live alone, except for my teenagers, which we all know is LIKE living alone. You will find that a lot of issues, problems, traits, etc., that you have in this life were present in prior lives as well.

    The way that I personally explore past lives is to picture myself walking around in this big field full of wildflowers. I make sure that I am totally present in that field, and then I find the bridge of time.

    It is just a wooden bridge. I always make sure to take the same number of steps over as I take back. I have heard that you can warp time if you do not count and use the same number of steps. I don't know if that is true, but I'd rather not find out the hard way.

    When I get over the bridge, I look down at my feet and see what gender and color I am. I then look around at where I am and who and what is around me. Then I start to walk around and ask questions about who I am and where I am.

    In this way, I slowly start to uncover the past lives I've lived. The hardest part of the whole process is convincing your mind that it is real and that you are NOT making it up.

    If possible, I also view my death in that life so that I can see how it ended and why, for oftentimes, that will prove important in understanding the baggage I carry from that lifetime.

    I wish you safe and enlightening journeys into the past.



    Unless you're in the hands of a qualified psychotherapist who is also trained and experienced with hypnotic regression, then yes, trying to discover your past lives through regression can be very dangerous and emotionally traumatic.

    This is one situation where you don't want to place yourself in the hands of a beginner or someone who is an amateur or "new" at what they're doing. Your friend was smart to refuse your request. She didn't want to be responsible for what might happen to you if you received traumatic information.

    Past life "memories" tend to be highly emotionally charged and personal, and even the happy ones can be upsetting. Discovering the "where and when" of yourself in other times is an intense experience, and it may not be a pleasant thing for some people.

    Buying a book on regression probably won't enable you to access those lives either. Most people gradually uncover this information over a period of many years, because otherwise, the human mind can't process it.

    Even the most open and accepting person is probably going to be thrown for a loop by seeing her own death. Also, no matter how well adjusted you are, there are some things that you probably don't WANT to know. For those things, you need someone with you who can guide you through this complex inner maze.

    There are some psychiatrists (more than you might think) who will attempt something like this with you after a period of counseling. Most of the time you will have to work with a therapist for six months to two years before they will attempt any kind of regression with you, and this is different from regression for buried memories - that's a different kind of work altogether.

    If you want to know about your past lives without undergoing extensive therapy first, find someone who can either channel that information for you or read it from your birthday, cards, or whatever tool they use. When I do those reports for people, all I need is their birth date, time and place (that is CRUCIAL!) and my cards.

    I can't explain how it comes to me, but it does. Many readers can do this for you. Shop around until you find one with whom you feel you have a good rapport.

    Some readers can get you started finding out things on your own through different kinds of study, and some will be able to tell you things simply by talking to you. This is safer, less expensive and a good bit more FUN. I also think these past life readings are just as valuable as digging through your own subconscious for past life memories.

    Regression isn't the only way!


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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