• Weekly Astrological Forecast for July 15 through July 21, 2024

    July 15 through July 21, 2024

    A Capricorn full Moon is in the cards this Sunday, but we’ll start feeling the effects of it all week long, as issues of security and financial balances come to the surface. A Scorpio Moon will hang overhead on Monday and Tuesday, encouraging us to share our wisdom and ideas with others, while calling for extra patience as unexpected blocks pop up at every turn. Trusting the plan of the Universe will work in our favor, so don’t get excited or frustrated when plans change at a moment’s notice. Things return to better balance under Wednesday and Thursday’s Sagittarius Moon, where things tend to roll off our backs with ease and we start to see some tangible progress. The Capricorn Moon adds a productive note to our movements on Friday and Saturday. Mars will move into the versatile sign of Gemini on Saturday for a two-month visit, inspiring us to take action on our dreams and to expand our methods of communication (time to upgrade computers and smartphones?) Sunday’s Capricorn full Moon heralds a two-week period of release, asking you to release anything that makes us feel insecure or out of balance with our physical world.

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  • Just What Is Energy Medicine and What Can It Do For Me?

    Just What Is Energy Medicine and What Can It Do For Me? by Linnie Thomas

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    When you took general science classes in school, your teachers told you that when electricity goes through a wire, a field forms around that wire. Something similar happens in and around your body. You have electrical, magnetic, and life force energy flowing through your body. Of course, the body is much more complicated than a wire. It has legs and arms and all sorts of things including a head, so the field has many forms.

    Your energy field begins in the center of your body and radiates outward several feet from your physical body. Some people call it an aura, though it can be easier to simply refer to it as the energy field (people may be more comfortable with that). Within the energy field, there are seven major energy centers, often called chakras, that look like little tornadoes and are found at the top of the head, along the spine, and at the bottom of the spine. Each bone joint has its own minor energy center.

    Pathways of energy called meridians flow within your body (with today's technology, scientists now have ways of following those meridians). The last major part of your energy system is called the "hara column," and it goes from above your head, down through the middle of your body, and continues on into the ground.

    When you suffer from an injury, surgery, illness, trauma, or an emotional upset, energy can become congested and its natural flow through your body and field blocked. That's where an energy medicine practitioner comes in to help you heal; they remove the congestion and restore the energy system back to its healthy, balanced state.

    It is important to note that energy medicine is not a replacement for traditional Western medical practices. It is complementary to it, another tool in the toolbox to help people get well. By balancing the energy field, the body does not have to do it itself. In some cases, the body doesn't get around to bringing the energy system back into balance. Congested energy can stay in place for years.

    As one example, a man came into a clinic with an extremely bad headache. He was sent to the hospital for tests, at where the personnel there could find nothing wrong with him. A nurse who had recently taken an energy medicine course asked the man if she could try energy medicine to help with the pain. He was so desperate that he gave permission.

    The nurse checked over the field. While doing this, she noticed a lot of heavy congestion around his big toe. "What happened to your toe?" she asked.

    "I broke it and it had to be operated on to reconstruct the bone," he said.

    "When did this happen?"

    "About five years ago."

    "And when did the headaches start?"

    "About the same time."

    The nurse cleared the congestion around his toe and the headache disappeared. No one had cleared the congestion from both the trauma of breaking the toe and the ensuing surgery. For some reason, the congestion was such that the body didn't clear it on its own.

    Congested energy can show up anywhere in the body, even though physical symptoms may be found in another part of the body. It's all connected. While the above example is a little on the unusual side, it does show how energy medicine can be helpful.

    Most practitioners specialize in one or more of the energy systems. Some practitioners work with the energy field and the energy centers. Others like removing blockages and clearing the meridian system (acupuncture is one such modality that specializes in meridian work). It depends upon which form or forms appeals to the practitioner as well as their comfort in using each.

    An energy healing treatment begins when the client requests an appointment. When the client arrives, the practitioner works to make the person comfortable. An explanation of what is about to happen might be needed. The client may be asked to sign an informed consent form that states the client understands the type of treatment being offered.

    An intake follows the initial introductions to a session. The practitioner listens to the client's issues and requests for services, and together they set goals for the session. Once that is done, the practitioner performs an assessment.

    The practitioner runs their hands over the energy field and notes differences and similarities. Sometimes a practitioner will use a pendulum to assess what is happening in the energy centers. When open, an energy center spins clockwise. When it is blocked, it may stop spinning; swing perpendicularly, diagonally, or horizontally to the body; make an elliptical pattern, or even spin counterclockwise. Hand scans of the energy field tell the practitioner about differences and similarities in the field. Blockages in the form of congested energy may be found anywhere on and around the body. Removing these pockets of congested energy help to bring the field back into balance.

    After the assessment is completed, the practitioner then performs techniques to clear and balance the energy system. A reassessment is done to see if the client needs more work. The end of the session comes in the form of grounding the client.

    Stress is a big issue in our culture, and energy medicine is definitely good for relieving any emotional stress. Rare is the person who is not feeling stress when they come for treatment! A stressed person has a highly agitated energy field. Many forms of techniques can remove congestion and balance the field to relieve some of the stress.

    Pain is another reason for seeing an energy medicine practitioner. It shows up during an assessment in a number of ways. Through practice, each practitioner learns how to recognize pain in the energy field. Most forms of energy medicine have techniques to help relieve pain.

    Animals are interesting to treat. When an animal is in pain, it often turns the injured part of the body toward the practitioner. Once the animal feels better, it lets the practitioner know by simply walking away or maybe yawning. I have a dog who sometimes visits other dogs for a play time; they can run for hours. But, the next day I'll know when my dog has sore muscles. He'll jump in my lap and put his front paws on my shoulders assuming a pose we have worked out together. I do a pain removal technique and then run my hands over his field, while sending soothing energy into his muscles. He tells me when it's done by getting down off my lap and taking a nap. Animals don't sit around wondering if this type of treatment is going to help them; rather, they accept it without question. You don't have to believe in energy medicine for it to work. All it takes is a willingness to receive it.

    Traditional western medicine and energy medicine work well together. As another example: a construction worker falls from a ladder, lands in the mud, and breaks his leg. It's a nasty compound fracture and a piece of the bone pierces the skin. Someone sends for an ambulance and he is taken to the hospital, where several forms of treatment occur. In the emergency room, the break in the skin is cleaned and sterilized. The emergency room doctor sends him out for x-rays. A surgeon resets the bone. Pins may be used to hold the bone in place while it is healing. Then the surgeon sews the incision together. A cast covers the leg. To prevent infection, a doctor prescribes antibiotics. In addition, when an energy medicine practitioner balances the disturbed energy field, they help the patient heal faster with fewer complications, lower pain levels, and ease some of the stress from the event.

    Each of these treatments has a part in the healing process. They all work together to help the patient walk again and go back to work. Not one of them can stand alone to complete the healing process. Each one is a unique tool to help the person get well.

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2023. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Can Empathy Lead Us to Falsely Fall in Love?

    I am very empathic, and think I have the ability to "assume people's emotions." When someone loves me, I love them, and when someone is sad, I become sad. At times it's hard to differentiate my own feelings from others' feelings. I've just started to realize that in the past, I have gotten into relationships only because I felt the attraction the other person was feeling, and eventually, my own true feelings would emerge. I'm now in love with a girl, and am worried that perhaps this relationship is entirely based on how SHE feels. I don't think it is, but I can't tell the difference. Any advice? I'm thinking about leaving her until I figure out what is really going on in my own heart.

    - Antony


    Since my daughter is a very powerful empath, I know the struggle you go through separating your emotions from someone else's. It can be an incredibly difficult process. Unless someone is an empath or has close ties to an empath, this may sound silly. I, however, fully understand your plight here.

    I suggest that you go with your first idea. Explain to her that you are an empath and tell her exactly what you told us. Explain that you have gotten into relationships because of the love you felt from the other person, and then things turned out to be one-sided. Tell her that you need some time away to determine what you actually feel for her.

    At that point, you should immediately picture yourself in "The Bubble." I know I have written about this numerous times in this column, but it bears repeating.

    My bubble is made out of purple water. It completely surrounds me, and I am in a state of suspension inside of the bubble. My energy can get out, but no one else's energy can get in and affect me.

    When I'm giving readings, I pretty much stay in this bubble. It preserves my energy and keeps me strong and whole for the next client and the one after that, etc.

    So pick your favorite color and material and create a mental bubble of your very own. Imagine yourself stepping into this bubble and it sealing up around you. Just stay in this bubble the entire time you are away from this woman.

    If you do that, her energy can't get to or affect you in any way. Whatever you feel will be solely YOUR feelings. That way you will be able to determine what is coming from you versus what is coming from her.

    As a matter of fact, this works with ANY situation. For an empath, a bubble can be INVALUABLE. When you get to feeling too much energy from the world, situations or a person in particular, step into your bubble. It will really make your life much easier.

    As you stay in your bubble, you are going to get clearer and clearer about your feelings and your relationship with this woman. You will also be able to analyze her actions and feelings, and really get a good grip on what is what in this relationship.

    If you eliminate all that outside energy, you will be much better equipped to deal with the deeper reality in this situation. I suggest you stay in this bubble and out of contact with this woman for at least two weeks. That will give you both time to figure out what you really want.

    Frankly, I think she needs this time as much as you do, for she has been carried away on waves of your psychic energy too.

    I wish you calm clarity.



    Being empathetic is part of the human condition. When our friends love us, we usually return that love, and when they're sad, we are too.

    What you describe isn't any different from what the rest of us feel - it's what you're doing with it that is blocking you from achieving a fulfilling relationship with this girl you say you "love."

    You say that in your other relationships, eventually you would realize that the person you "love" because she "loves" you isn't the person you want to be with. It sounds to me like what actually happens is you get swept along with the other person's desires.

    A true empath doesn't get carried away like that, and while he might UNDERSTAND and FEEL the emotions of the other person, he would not internalize them and take them on himself.

    Empaths delve into other people's hopes and fears to try to help those people get in touch with their OWN feelings. They take on those people's feelings while maintaining their own emotional integrity. It takes years of study and practice to do that, and it doesn't just "happen" to them.

    A true empath would not feel romantic love for another person because that person feels it for them. They would help that person work through their misplaced feelings of love in order to move on.

    A true empath would never entertain such a thought as reciprocating love from another, and would absolutely know what was going on. To take advantage of another in that way would be a horrible betrayal of the empath's gift!

    What YOU are in this situation is CONFUSED. You say "I'm now in love with a girl, but worried that the love is based on what SHE feels." Well, are you in love with her or not?

    It certainly sounds like you tend to think you're in love, then become bored and dissatisfied, and instead of taking responsibility for your own feelings, you blame this "empathy" you have for others. While that is a very creative excuse for breaking up with someone with whom you've become disinterested, it's still an excuse.

    What you're actually doing is not empathy. It's a passive aggressive attempt blame the other person for the break-up. You say you're "thinking of leaving her" because you're confused. Face it, friend - you're thinking of leaving her because you WANT to leave her.

    Own up to that and tell the girl you're unsure of your own feelings. It really doesn't have anything to do with her. If you can uncover your own HONEST feelings about this situation and share them with her, perhaps she'll wait for you to sort things out.

    If she loves you, I know she'll try!


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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