- Weekly Astrological Forecast for July 22 through July 28, 2024Continue reading →
July 22 through July 28, 2024
We’ll welcome the Sun’s move into Leo today, bringing brighter and more energetic energy to our world over the next four weeks! Heart-centered activities, personal renewal, and generous acts will spotlight the Sun’s travels through this fiery sign. Monday’s Aquarius Moon could bring some chaos with it, as unexpected changes and delays litter the day. The good news is that things will calm down considerably when the Moon moves into Pisces and has us drifting on a cloud of good vibes on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mercury will move into Virgo on Thursday, and as one of the signs Mercury rules, we’ll find our brain power expanding and our longing for organization and detailed work soaring! The Moon dances through Aries on Thursday through Saturday, and all the things we weren’t able to get to at the start of the week will come together beautifully. In fact, we may end up accomplishing twice as much as we are hoping! We can use the energy of the Taurus Moon on Sunday to regroup and reclaim our inner balance, tending to neglecting chores or simply plopping onto the couch to catch up on all those shows we’ve been meaning to stream!
- Why Our Life on Earth Affects Us in the AfterlifeContinue reading →
Why Our Life on Earth Affects Us in the Afterlife, by Kristy Robinett
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
The phrase "Rest in Peace" (or R.I.P.) originated from the Latin, "Requiescat in pace," which comes from a prayer within the Roman Catholic burial liturgy that means "may he (or she) rest in peace." It is an adage we often use when we hear someone has passed away. The acronym R.I.P is appropriately how the living feel–their life, their heart, and sometimes their soul, feeling ripped apart when their loved one transitions to the other side. Death may be peaceful for those on their afterlife journey, but not so much for those living with the heartache.
Just as we all have our own unique birth story, our life, and our journey to the afterlife, and subsequent life after life is just as unique. Through the heavenly signs and symbols that our loved ones share from the afterlife, the mourner is gifted with the assurance that there is an afterlife and a tentative feeling their loved one is okay on the other side. These are reminders that there are no such thing as random coincidences, but instead well-planned, heavenly hellos. But are the souls on the other side truly at peace and are they really resting in the afterlife? That answer, according to the departed, seems to depend upon how well the living did with their lessons of living.
The Other Side can be split up into three sectors: Heaven, Hell, and the In Between (often referred to as Purgatory). Obviously, for many of us, our first choice would be heaven; however, the other two become an option as well when we take our last earthly breath and breathe in the eternal. It's not necessarily a ledger of our good deeds that determine our destination; it's our own soul-set. Create Your Heaven
Heaven is what you make of it. Take a moment and close your eyes and envision the most beautiful sunset or sunrise you've ever seen. Think of the feeling you feel when you are with someone who is aligned to you. Feel the energy of the biggest belly laugh. Imagine your favorite scent, your favorite food, your favorite memory, or your favorite vacation. Those glimpses of experiences are a tiny taste of what Heaven is like. Just as we shouldn't waste our days away waiting for summer, or for Friday, or for someone to fall in love with us, or for happiness, we also shouldn't wait for heaven to find our heaven. The more that those who have departed have shared with us, the more of an outline we can create for our heaven, and the easier it becomes to so-call "build" it.The In Between
Fear is paralyzing. Some of the fears may not be as abstract as worry over a zombie apocalypse, but they are real and true worries and fears. Those fears start as kids with fearing our parents will die, to worries about failing a class, to fear of the boogie man in the closet. Those fears can continue into adulthood. Will I ever find love? Will I lose my job? If I lose my job will anybody hire me? Will I die before my child is grown? Will I lose my house? The fears and worries escalade as time continues and that stress does something, although most of the time not seen (especially if you have a great hair colorist!), to your soul, your spirit, and your physical body. It puts stress on your system, just as high temperatures do to ice, and can cause an eventual cave in if you don't watch it. The stress also stops the flow of what you do want in your life. By holding on to the fear, the worries, and the what-ifs, you sabotage your true wishes from ever coming true, and this can continue into the afterlife.There is often a fear of what will happen when one passes away, and whether there's a choice to walk in to the light or to not walk in to the light. Those who have departed have described the In Between differently. Some have felt it was a lonely and fearful place. Others described it as a healing place, much like the recovery room after surgery. All have said that they never felt at home in the In Between, unlike the description from those who walked in to the light to their heaven.
The Dark Place
Just as you create your life, you can create your hell as much as you can create your heaven.Have you ever met someone who is miserable every day, all day long? No matter what good happens they find fault in something, sometimes everything? They live within their own personal hell, a place of uncomfortable comfort for them. Some are frightened of them and for them, while others offer sympathy and comfort. It's hard for those who only see darkness to welcome in positivity or enlightenment. If they don't know what peace feels like here, how will they discover it on the other side where we are to take our lessons here and use them along our quest?
Nobody is given a map of life, but we are all given the same tools to discover our path. Some choose a less than restful path, while others choose an expansive eternity. There are those who created darkness here in the earthly plane, and most likely carried that darkness with them into their afterlife. The departed have spoken to tell me they don't get a key card to the doors of the dark place, nor do they want one.
Advice from the Departed for a Soulful Life
The souls have offered advice to those in the earthly place so they can actually live and their other side be filled with life.- Spend more time with good thoughts.
- Let go of what isn't working.
- Be kind, including to yourself.
- Find time each day to find your inner peace.
- Bring joy, love, and laughter to each experience.
- Forgive yourself for failures.
- You can start over on any day, at any time.
Death is not a wall, death is a doorway. Lessons aren't punishment, but enlightenment. We first must be able to find our peace here on earth so we can rest in peace in the afterlife.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2018. All rights reserved.
- Double Vision: Can We Help Someone Who Seems Cursed?Continue reading →
I have a question that pertains to someone other than myself. Is it possible for an entire family to be cursed? In the two years I have known my boyfriend, I have witnessed such horrible tragedies. His father died of cancer a year before I met him, two of his siblings have been in and out of mental institutions for bipolar disorder and severe depression. As soon as things pick up, something horrible happens. I am sensitive to intense energies and always feel something powerful when I go to their house. Do you have any suggestions for what I might do to help them? I would prefer not to tell them, as the mother is very religious and would object to any remedies or suggestions since she believes non-Catholic practices are evil. (I would have to do it behind her back). I really want to help. They are all very nice, good-natured people, and I hate to stand by and watch them suffer so needlessly. Any advice would be much appreciated, even links to sites or book recommendations. I know you are busy - thank you so much for your time!
Peace, love and empathy!
Liz, you are SUCH a wonderful friend. It is so very thoughtful of you to want to do something to help. This family is blessed to have you in their lives.
Despite all of that, in a nutshell, the answer is no: there is nothing you can do to help these people. Bad things happen to good people all the time. It is easy to say, "Well he/she deserved it" if something bad happens to someone we consider to be "bad," but when those same things happen to "good" people, we question why.
Life is not a reward challenge. We are not given experiences based on our souls and intentions. If that were the case, Jesus Christ would have died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 170. For better and worse, everyone is experiencing this thing called life. We make it through tough situations with our faith intact, and we live to fight another day. You fight through your life as well.
Where does God promise us trouble-free lives? Why do we think that we have to change every negative circumstance around us? When something is happening, whether positive or negative, we need to FULLY live inside of that experience, eek every ounce of learning out of it, and then move past it.
Please remember that we are also dealing with Karma here, Liz. Everyone has his or her own Karma. When someone dies or when someone is sick, we can rest assured that it is happening just as it is supposed to happen. I DO understand your wish to help, but I think it's best not to second-guess God in other people's situations.
You did not say whether the "powerful source of energy" you felt in their house was something that feels positive or negative to you. I am sure there is MUCH energy swirling through their house. The mother alone brings in MANY powerful spirits with her prayers. The father is there in spirit form, watching over everyone. There are also spirits from the building and from the land itself, which is the case in most dwellings.
I think it is ALWAYS a bad idea to try to do some type of spell or ritual on/ for someone else without their knowledge or consent. I think that crosses the line of Free Will, and that means your Free Will will get crossed by someone else as a result. You CAN pray for them. That is the most powerful tool we have anyway, and one that you can ALWAYS use. Pray for them to have strength and balance while living their tumultuous lives. That is the biggest help you can give them!
I wish you the ability to be peacefully powerless.
Reincarnation gives us the opportunity to correct some of the things we let slide in other lifetimes. We are supposed to LEARN from our mistakes, even those from other Incarnations. Without delving into the entire family's Karma, it's impossible to know how much they brought with them this time, and how much they've created during THIS Incarnation.
I believe that people have choices and that they experience the consequences of those choices. To suffer with something that is controllable with medicine is a choice. Believe it or not, some people CHOOSE suffering over happiness, and it sounds to me like the family's mother has fallen into a Catholic Mother/Martyr pattern that was common when I was growing up. Under her influence, the whole family has fallen into choosing SUFFERING over JOY. That is a difficult mindset to change, because people get STUCK there.
What you feel in that house is all the NEGATIVE FEAR ENERGY that comes through the old Dogma of the Catholic Church. At her age, she would be a prime target for that. Instead of absorbing all the LOVE from Christian Energy, she's chosen to drag around the guilt and fear that was so often preached to my generation in most Christian Churches. Certainly this Fear Energy spills over to other members of the family and the vibration of the house where they live. The rest of them CHOOSE to be victimized by it. If they're not AWARE of it, that's a choice too.
Since he's a Scorpio, your boyfriend is more sensitive to negative vibrations than others in the family. Keep him away from their influence as much as possible. Scorpios are challenged ENOUGH without having negativity and guilt shoved down their throats. These people are afraid to CHANGE and seek happiness, so it's best if he is somewhere where people are living in LOVE and JOY.
Doing something behind their backs is NOT wise. Giving them POSITIVE SOLUTIONS to problems such as prayer, meditation and LOVE will help this family the most. For any kind of "magic" to work, people have to be willing to PARTICIPATE in that magical healing process. Doing something without someone's PERMISSION often makes things MUCH WORSE.
I encourage you to attend that Catholic Church with the Mother, and point out to her at every opportunity that Christ LOVES HER and wants her happiness, not her misery. PARTICIPATE in the LOVE that the Christian religion can offer to that family, and the Love will begin to flow and heal them. If you work within their belief system, it will work like magic! 🙂
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.