• Weekly Astrological Forecast for February 3 through February 9, 2025

    February 3 through February 9, 2025

    We'll want to mark Monday as a "reset" day before the week gets off to a running start. Complete projects, regroup, and get organized under the Aries Moon. Tuesday is a mixed bag as Jupiter resumes forward motion and Venus moves into Aries. Both these planetary shifts are conducive to advanced movement, and with the Moon traveling through manifesting Taurus Tuesday and Wednesday, we should be able to get new projects off the ground or a lot accomplished! We'll be surfing the information highway as the Moon cruises through Gemini on Thursday and Friday, doing lots of research, brainstorming with others, or reaching out to connect with people we haven't heard from in a while. A few surprises could arise as we seek out new information, a gift of the Sun's move through Aquarius! So we could encounter a long-lost friend on social media or learn new health or financial options that haven't been available up to now. We can plan on an easy-going weekend as the Moon cruises through Cancer, sticking close to home and simply relaxing.

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  • Three Ways to Craft Your Own Spells with Word Magic

    Three Ways to Craft Your Own Spells with Word Magic, by Ember Grant

    (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

    Is the pen truly mightier than the sword? For personal magic, yes! In this case, instead of a pen, though, your words will be conveyed using items other than a traditional writing instrument. My latest book, The Words of the Witch, explores myriad ways to write and speak your magic. In this article I’m giving you three bonus projects that are not included in the book.

    Words have power, and with these activities you will be choosing and empowering a word or words of your choice that can be used as an affirmation or a one-word spell (more details on this topic are provided in the book). All you need to know for now is that a one-word spell involves choosing a word that encompasses your goal; it's a word that you express with specific intent. For the word-creation activities, you can make the act of creating the items part of your spell by setting up the area as sacred space and employing any other aspects of magical working you desire.

    Fabric Transfer Spell
    You can literally wear the word(s) of your choice or cut a piece of fabric to carry or display. The basic process is that you'll use text you create on your computer and then print that on special paper to create an iron-on image you can transfer to fabric.

    You'll need: an iron, a heat-proof surface, fabric, ink-jet printer

    The transfer paper will provide details on the process; it's quite simple. This method is often used to make easy DIY personalized T-shirts. The process is incredibly easy—you just have to choose which word and which fabric to use. It's been my experience that 100% cotton or a cotton blend works best.

    First, create the word (or short phrase) on your computer, and be sure you have it set to the appropriate font, size, and color you desire. You may want to do a test-print with plain paper first. When you're ready, follow the instructions on the transfer sheet. Remember: the image needs to be printed in the opposite direction—a mirror image—so that it can be read properly after being ironed-on. The best way to accomplish this is to select the appropriate type of paper in the printer options. Or, you can simply create a mirror image style on your computer. Either way, this is the reason a test-print is important. The words must print backwards so they can be read correctly when transferred to the fabric.

    After you have your word or phrase properly printed, the next step will be to prepare your area and iron the word(s) onto the fabric. Be sure to carefully follow the package directions. Cut carefully around the words before ironing; keep in mind that what you're transferring will have a slightly visible border around it. I find this process looks best on a light-colored fabric (white, ivory, or beige). The transfer paper instructions will most likely recommend that you don't use an ironing board but, instead, a hard table top protected with a sheet. This is presumably because an ironing board has a soft surface and something with more support is needed for this process.

    After the transfer cools, you will peel it away to reveal your creation! I haven't personally done this on a garment, but I have used cloth napkins and small scraps of fabric from old clothes. You can also cut the fabric into a small shape that suits your purpose—such as a triangle, square, circle, etc.—or even create an elaborately formatted piece of word art on your computer. This is a fun way to create pieces that resemble old documents. I purchased some white fabric and dyed it with fresh walnuts from my yard to create something that looked like old parchment. I then cut the fabric, frayed the edges, and rolled them into scrolls.

    Hot Glue Word Spell
    This is a fun way to create a word (or even a sigil) that you can carry with you. Hot glue is basically liquid plastic (and it's non-biodegradable, so use it sparingly), so it's extremely versatile. But be careful if you're new to this process; the hot glue can stick to your skin and cause a serious burn.

    You'll need: a hot glue "gun," glue sticks, cardboard, parchment paper

    If you wish, first write the word out on the parchment with a pen or pencil. Place the parchment paper on the cardboard, and use the hot glue to write the word. When the glue cools, simply peel it off the parchment. As examples, you can write the word "love" if you're seeking a relationship or "strength," "courage," etc. if you're facing difficult situations. Create whatever word you need to use as a reminder of your spell goal.

    Obviously, there may be some concerns about using this type of glue, since it's not environmentally friendly. You may be able to find eco-friendly types of hot glue on the market. If not, using the material in small amounts and not throwing it into a landfill can ease your conscience. To dispose of your word when finished is the difficult part' perhaps only use this type of creation for something you plan to keep and tuck it away somewhere when not actively using it.

    It may take some practice to get the word to look the way you want, but remember that it doesn't have to be perfect. If you have trouble manipulating the glue, you can create the letters first and then use a line of glue, or little dots of glue, to link them. This process works best when writing in cursive. If you're familiar with rubber stamping, think about how those sets of letters look, how you can arrange them to connect together; this is a similar process. You can even use stencils as a guide. In addition, there are various colors of hot glue, and some contain glitter. Choose a color that corresponds with your spell goal.

    One-Sentence Statement Spells
    There's a Yiddish expression, "From your lips to god's ears," an old saying that basically means, "May what you say come to pass." Consider that as you create short, one-sentence statement spells which are, essentially, affirmations. For example, consider the first thing you say in the morning and the last thing at night before going to sleep. You can use these opportunities to make positive affirmations.

    For example: "Today I will be patient and calm, no matter what the day brings." Or, "My slumber will be peaceful tonight and I'll wake up refreshed." You can also create a pair of "book-end" phrases: words you repeat morning and night for a specific purpose that are the same every time. When you make these statements a habit, they can become more powerful. But if they become simply mindless recitation, you may want to choose new ones. As with all spells, the intent behind your words is the real magic.

    Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2024. All rights reserved.

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  • Double Vision: Recurring Dream: She Can’t Go Home

    I've been having this recurring dream where I'm at my great-aunt's house, and I realize it's time to go home, but I can't for some reason. Sometimes my deceased relatives are there, and sometimes it's just me. I either can't find my suitcase to pack, or the pile of things I need to pack keeps growing the more I put into the suitcase. Sometimes I do get everything packed and my car loaded, but the car won't start. Sometimes the weather is a factor; other times it's the time of day. The only constant detail is I'm in my deceased great-aunt's house and want to get home, but I can't.

    I know recurring dreams happen for a reason, but as I've said, in these dreams I've been meeting up with deceased relatives and living friends that I haven't seen since childhood. The deceased are my father, my great-aunt, and sometimes my paternal grandmother. The childhood friends are girls I was close to in elementary school. What could be the reason for all of these meetings all of a sudden? Why does it always take place in that house, and why can't I get home? (What does all this mean?)



    Candy, thanks for all the helpful detail you provided us about these dreams. First, all of the dead friends and family members you have not seen in a while signify ties to your past that still bind you. The people from the past popping up in your dreams have made you remember them in your waking hours, and you are actually doing some cleansing as a result. You are going back over memories and working through old issues.

    You not being at home and wanting to go home suggests that you are not being true to yourself. You are not living the life that you want to live. You are not where you are supposed to be in your life at this point. You MUST move and change. You know this.

    The packing of your things suggests that you are trying to keep all your old "stuff," even though it doesn't fit you or your life anymore. This is one reason you can't "get back home." You're trying to hold on to all these old issues from the past, such as personal belongings, memories, emotions and people.

    The weather is a symbol of your emotions and how you feel about your life right now. Sometimes your emotions keep you from moving on to a better place.

    The car not starting is symbolic of your body. For some reason, your body can't take you where you want to go. I do know that the car (your body) can be fixed. It's time to address any health or fitness issues that are slowing you down.

    Dreams are our subconscious mind's way of dealing with what is happening in our lives at a soul level. When we sleep, our soul/ subconscious can FINALLY get to work without that old foe LOGIC popping up and ruining everything.

    You really want to change your life, but you feel like the universe is against you. You feel frustrated, hopeless and anxious about going nowhere. You wonder if it will ever really happen and if you can ever be truly happy. Look at what has happened in your life over the past few months since you started to have this dream. What was happening right before it started? You can choose growth and happiness, but you "invent" reasons to stay put. Your dreams are telling you as much.

    I wish for you a working "vehicle" and less "baggage."



    Your dream is an "anxiety" dream. In your dream you want to go home, but things prevent you from leaving/ getting there. Your location in the dream is probably determined by events in that house when you were little.

    This dream means that you don't feel in control of your life, and that you feel other people are trying to dictate what you do. Even your dead relatives are coming to talk with you and advise you. You feel frustrated because you can't even pack; everything seems to be working against what you want to do in that dream.

    This is a theme that occurs with many of us when we are feeling like we can't make any decisions for ourselves. Children, parents, husbands, bosses and friends all put demands on our time and energy, and we agreeably go along so that we don't "rock the boat." Everyone likes to be NICE, but when we overdo it, inner resentment builds, and if we don't find some way to get it out, we begin to take it to bed with us. Then it begins to manifest in our dreams, thus interfering with our rest and relaxation, too! If you don't work with this dream, next you may have INSOMNIA, so let's get it up and out of your subconscious NOW!

    The quickest and easiest fix for getting rid of an unruly anxiety dream is to put a piece of silverware under your mattress in the upper right (your right if you're lying down) corner of your bed. Knives work best, of course, because they "cut" the dream from your subconscious. Knives also work best for recurring dreams, and since you're having this one over and over, it qualifies.

    The knife should ideally be sterling sliver, but I know people who have used stainless steel too. It seems the color silver is what is most important for this "recipe" to work.

    Here's the bottom line: you're trying to do TOO MUCH for OTHER PEOPLE, while you do NOTHING for YOURSELF! It sounds to me like you're going to have to try to learn to say "no" to a few things while you're awake and moving through your daily life if you want to get rid of that dream.

    Believe me, I know how hard that is to do, but if you don't, the next step could be insomnia. Then you'll be no good to anyone - not even YOURSELF!


    Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.

    Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!

    While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!

    I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!

    As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.

    I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.

    You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!

    Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.

    A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.

    You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.

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