- Weekly Astrological Forecast for December 20 through December 26, 2021Continue reading →
December 20 through December 26, 2021
Merry Christmas! As we count the days up to the 25th, this week should unfold without any surprises or glitches. The Cancer Moon on Monday and Tuesday will have us occupied with putting the finishing touches on any holiday plans, and making sure all is in order for the celebration ahead. The Sun will move into Capricorn on Tuesday, giving us that extra oomph! we need to complete all the tasks necessary before year's end. With the Moon skipping through Leo on Wednesday and Thursday we'll have to be careful and watch our egos! Remember that giving is more important than receiving, and that's not just limited to boxes and bows; people need to know you care, and generous messages from the heart will be worth much more than gold! Christmas Eve and Day unfold under a Virgo Moon, making it essential that you pay close attention to details and adjust expectations accordingly. We are often prone to visualizing exactly what or how things should happen on these very special days, and that can set us up for disappointment. Instead, let's all focus on the true spirit of the season and the joy that can't be wrapped up in colorful paper. Restoring our balance will be much easier under Sunday's Libra Moon, where we can all step back and appreciate the true beauty that dwells in our lives, not just on Christmas, but every day of the year!
- CBD for Anxiety and Relieving StressContinue reading →
CBD for Anxiety and Relieving Stress, by Kerri Connor
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
There is no doubt our world has become an overwhelmingly stressful place to live. Between a global pandemic, an attack in on the US Capitol, and war in Europe, it would be difficult to find someone who has not been affected tragically by one of these events.
With so much stress in the world, a person's mental health has taken on a new importance. While we can not control so many of the things that happen around us, we can learn how to cope with these events. Ways we cope with anxiety and stress include medication, therapy, meditation, acupuncture, and/or supplements.
CBD (which stands for cannabidiol) won't solve the problems in the world, but it can help eliminate anxiety and stress so you may focus on events and aspects of your life where you do have control. Adding it into your daily routine may help you calm your nerves and gain control over anxious feelings.
CBD is available in a variety of forms, and what you decide to use is based on what type of relief you want, how fast you want it, and what forms of consumption you prefer. I recommend layering how you take your CBD. This means taking it in several different forms, so more CBD molecules bind with CB receptors, saturating your endocannabinoid system. This helps put the body into the most optimum homeostasis, not only relieving anxiety, but also to help keep it at bay.
Take a Hit
Smoking CBD hemp flower is the fastest pathway for CBD to reach the bloodstream, so the effects will hit you quicker than any other method. It also has high bioavailability, meaning your body absorbs it easily. When you need a quick, strong dose, smoking flower is the way to go. How you smoke your flower is up to you, but CBD flower can be smoked the same way cannabis flower is. Grind the buds and roll in a joint or blunt, throw it in a bowl, pipe, or bong—whichever method you prefer. Boost the power of the CBD by combining it with other herbs that help calm nerves and reduce anxiety, such as rose petals and lavender buds. This blend may be just what you need to help cope with an anxiety attack or other stressful situation. Help yourself unwind gently and quickly.Drip Some Drops
CBD concentrated oil should be one of your best friends. It can be used in several different ways, making it an incredibly versatile ingredient to keep on hand. For oral use, it can be placed under the tongue (sublingual) and held there for up to 30 seconds without swallowing. This isn't as fast as smoking but is faster than taking orally through any type of edible. If you are layering your CBD, this is a good second step after smoking. If you don't smoke, a concentrated oil should be your first layer.Tinctures are also taken sublingually. Tinctures are made with a strong alcoholic spirit, which may help to calm nerves and mellow a panic attack. I keep a tincture available for extra stressful times in my life when I know I am more likely to be triggered into an anxiety attack.
Grab a Bite
Concentrated oil can also be added with a dropper to drinks or foods. There are many great recipes for cooking and baking with concentrated oils, but when you don't have time, you can make it easy by simply adding a dose to a drink or mixed in with something like yogurt. Taking it through food means it must pass through the digestive system and liver before it makes it to the blood stream. This means slower effects and lower bioavailability.Pre-made edibles also travel through the digestive system. Gummies, by nature, break down quickly, cutting down digestion time. But due to the pathway they take through this system to enter the bloodstream, they also have lower bioavailability.
CBD capsules can also be considered edibles since they travel the same path to the bloodstream via the digestive system and liver.
Because edibles take longer for the effects to take place, layering them with other quicker consumption methods means they will start kicking in as the effects from the other dose are lessening. For example, if I take a gummy right after I smoke, I will feel the effects from smoking almost immediately. As those effects begin to lessen, the gummy will have been digested and the CBD begins entering the blood stream, and those effects begin to build. With layering, while the effects from one type of consumption are declining, the effects of another type of consumption are building extending your optimum calm.
Soak It Away
Anxiety and stress create tension in the body causing muscle pains and aches. CBD can be used topically to help release stress stored in your body. You can add CBD to your bath as an ingredient in easy to mix bath salts. Epsom salts are ideal for tight sore muscles and should be a staple in your supplies closet. Other salts, such as sea salts or Himalayan pink salts, can also be added, but Epsom salt does have the benefit of relieving muscular pain. To complete your bath salts, add in essential and CBD oils and blend well.I like to use the following mix:
- 1 cup Epsom salt
- ½ cup pink Himalayan salt
- 1 dropperful of CBD oil (I use 1500 mg)
- 6 drops of tangerine oil
Choose essential oils to help achieve your overall goal. I use tangerine oil as it helps with inflammation, and as someone with several autoimmune disorders, when I get stressed, I flare, and my inflammation gets out of control. Tangerine also has a bright, cheery scent that uplifts the spirit.
Massage Tension Away
Your CBD concentrated oil can be added to a carrier oil along with essential oils to design your own customized massage oils.A 16-ounce bottle of jojoba oil can be split into four 4-ounce bottles of massage oils, each one with a different blend of essential oils. The dollar stores are a great place to grab small plastic bottles for separating your carrier oil. Add a dropperful of CBD oil to each bottle with the essential oils you choose and shake well. Do some research on oil blends to find what will be the most beneficial for you.
Daily Dose
These are all easy ways to incorporate CBD into your life. Daily use helps your body to function at more optimal levels, which helps to eliminate stress. When life gets out of hand and throws you for a loop, extra doses can help bring you back to a calm and collected state of mind.Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider regarding medical questions. This article is not a substitute for medical advice. CBD may counteract certain medications, including those used to treat blood pressure, blood clots, and thyroid, liver, and heart issues. In some medications such as antidepressants, it may increase the effects. Consult with your doctor before using CBD to ensure it is safe for you.
Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal. Copyright Llewellyn Worldwide, 2022. All rights reserved.
- Double Vision: Feeling Drawn to a Certain CelebrityContinue reading →
I have been having recurring dreams for two years now of a certain man. He was once famous, but at that time, I was not a fan. He came into my dreams one night and has been there ever since. I have tried to meet him through various connections, but as yet, have not succeeded. Astrologers and psychics have told me that we have been together in past lives and there is a strong connection between us in this one. Is it possible that we recognize past life connections to celebrities because they are so high profile? Does this feeling mean we're meant to meet in this life, or just that there is an old connection?
Fame and celebrity aside, we can often be drawn to certain individuals for no apparent reason. In most cases, we have those strange feelings of attraction because we had happy experiences with them in a past life. It's true that celebrities have a higher profile than the rest of us, so even if we don't come into contact with them directly, seeing them in the media can trigger a deep knowing within us.
As with many people we cross paths with in this lifetime, past-life karma plays a role in whether or not those individuals will become a part of our lives. Those instant connections we make that develop into a relationship or lifelong friendship basically reveal themselves, through their longevity and specialness, as having a strong foundation on a soul level.
The most important thing to recognize in this instance is that you've been touched on a very deep soul level by this famous personality. Destiny will dictate if and when you will come together in this lifetime with little to no effort on your part. That being said, it is still very important to note the feelings of attraction this man evokes within you.
We can often be deeply affected simply by the idea of another person. Often we tend to idealize someone we do not know intimately, and so the purest form of this man's spirit is what is attracting you. He could represent all the qualities you'd like to have in a partner, or he could have been your husband or lover in a past life. The thing to remember is that currently, he is not in your life, so these feelings are Spirit trying to send you a message.
When we encounter someone who for no logical apparent reason has a profound effect on us, we're wise to note the changes we end up making, and how this shifts our focus. These stirrings can move us to strive for a higher sense of purpose or enlightenment in our lives, and in the process, convince us to let go of some old ideas. For example, if you were dating someone who was completely inappropriate for you, the awareness that you are strongly attracted to this celebrity could persuade you to get out of that bad relationship.
I suspect that when you think about this man, you feel more alive, more excited and more inclined to improve yourself. Using these invigorating energies to inspire ourselves is a good thing, so it may be just what you need to move forward on your life's journey. If he is destined to be a part of your life, Spirit will move the two of you closer together and make it happen. In the meantime, I suggest you capitalize on the inspiration this man evokes in you and continue to strive for your heart's desires.
As is true of most obsessions, the man in your dreams serves two purposes. On a surface level, he is distracting you from something unresolved in your own life. On a deeper level, he symbolically holds the key to your healing.
When we repeatedly dream about or think of someone, that person serves as a diversion from some loss or other source of emotional pain, so it would be helpful to examine what was happening in your life at the time these dreams began. What was going on two years ago, or what changed at that time? Perhaps some newfound awareness surfaced that got set aside.
While this man's presence may be intriguing or comforting in the short run, it also shields you from addressing a deeper, more powerful issue. He's like a brightly-colored Band-Aid taped over an infected wound that distracts and consoles but cannot heal you. By examining what this man symbolizes for you, you may be able to heal yourself.
I suggest a free association technique called bubble journaling. Write this man's name in the center of a blank piece of paper and draw a big circle around it. Now draw smaller circles around the big circle, and connect them to the big circle with lines. Fill each of these satellite circles with a word you associate with this man. If you feel stuck, think of words that describe him, his strengths or weaknesses. Since he is not in your life and you don't really know him, all that matters is what YOU associate with him.
Now draw smaller circles around each of your satellite circles and connect them to the satellites with lines. Taking one satellite at a time, think of words you associate with the word inside and write them down in the smaller circles. For example, if one of the words you associate with your dream man is
you might put words likeadventurous,
in the circles surroundingbold.
When you finish, read through your complete list of words and see how they might reflect what preceded this man's appearances in your dreams in terms of a situation or solution.I'd like you to do one other exercise called a role play. Imagine yourself to BE this celebrity and to possess the qualities you ascribe to him. Imagine yourself (as him) speaking or writing directly to Marsha. What would you say to her? What advice or encouragement would you bestow? Try not to edit as you speak aloud or write things down. The messages may not make sense at first, but as you mull them over, you will likely discover wisdom that will help you tackle your own life challenges and let this obsession go.
Many times in life we hear, "You will always have what you NEED, but not necessarily what you WANT." Your spirit must have needed to experience the feeling of leaving your human body, and the suggestion in the next chapter of Sylvia Brown's book was all it took to get you there.
Even though you hadn't read it yet, your SOUL recognized the title of that chapter as something it had been seeking, and your soul, knowing that you had that reference to read after your experience, got with it and out you went!
While I don't usually recommend her books, Sylvia Brown has a wide reaching and powerful effect on lots of people. A Gemini like you would be able to relate easily to her writing and put it to good use. Synchronicity - you gotta love it!
I like your description of "getting caught." That's exactly what it feels like, isn't it? One minute you're free and hovering above the room, and the next minute, ZAP! back down into your corporeal form you go!
As a little kid, I loved that "feeling of return." With practice, most of the time we can control that event, but sometimes, when our physical ears hear a distracting noise or something else occurs to knock us back into reality, back we go. With practice you will be able to control your return better.
I find it interesting that you were visiting your mother-in-law and not someone in your own genetic family. Evidently, you and your husband got married for reasons that are even deeper than love. His family's interest in "psychic stuff" will nurture your children in such matters and help them to grow into their own abilities.
You'll never have to be concerned that when your daughter visits them, she'll be discouraged from exploring her own psychic life and power. My parents encouraged me to develop my psychic senses in a time when it wasn't nice to even discuss such things in public. Heck, it's STILL not considered a great topic at the dinner table in some families!
Your kids will get to talk about it ALL and ask questions and read and study. This is going to give them such an edge in life! Talk with your husband about how you want to present this to your kiddos, so that you are united in your approach and ready to tell them their experiences are all natural and okay.
A word or two of warning: Geminis often have difficulty staying grounded in REAL LIFE. Don't get so strung out on your ASTRAL life that you neglect what you're doing here on Earth.
You are at the beginning of a long journey to learn where your power really lies. Try to be patient with this process and take your time.