• Featured Spiritual Articles

      EncycloGoddesses_cvr_fnl.inddThe History of The Goddess
      An Excerpt from the Encyclopedia of Goddesses & Heroines
      “In 2008, archaeologists in Germany made a startling discovery, a naked woman carved out of mammoth ivory. Other figures had also been discovered where “Venus” emerged, in Hohle Fels Cave where these figures were first discovered more than a century ago.”

      art2useDiscovery of the First Known Icon of a Goddess
      An Excerpt from the Encyclopedia of Goddesses & Heroines
      “Whether a goddess or not, the figure at Hohle Fels Cave created a sensation. Finds of Paleolithic Venuses, are frequent enough that archaeologists were not surprised to unearth another. But stone figures like the Venus of Willendorf have been found with other objects suggesting an age of no more than 30,000 years.”

      art 3aphroditeA Few Famous Goddesses and Heroines
      An Excerpt from the Encyclopedia of Goddesses & Heroines
      “No encyclopedia could list all the goddesses the world has known. Due to colonization and conversion, innumerable goddesses and their stories have been lost. But an impressive amount of information remains, although scattered in sacred texts, literary epics and drama, story collections, ethnographies, and many other works.”

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