• Featured Spiritual Articles for June 16 2014

      writing-with-nature-3Rhythms of Language
      by Tina Welling

      “All living things pulsate with energy; so too should our language. Writing that lives and heals and engages us will breathe in and breathe out. When we go into nature and begin a Spirit Walk, our attention moves alternately inward and outward as we first alert ourselves to body and place, then send our senses out to gather information and pull that information inward.”


      ABCs-article-2The ABC’s of Writing Into Truth
      by Tina Welling

      “The ABC’s of writing into our own truth are attention, belief, and courage. Attention means offering awareness to our body sensations and our emotions; belief means trusting our responses; courage means taking action based upon our responses. Each time we follow these ABCs, we strengthen the access to our inner authority.”


      rhythms-of-language-1Writing with Nature
      by Tina Welling

      “Ralph Metzner in his book Green Psychology, Transforming Our Relationship to the Earth, discovered that tuning into the four different elements of nature – air, earth, fire, water – produces an experience of consciousness that is associated with the qualities of each element. For writers, this is a valuable tool.”

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