• Featured Spiritual Articles for July 21 2014

      remember-your-dreams-15 Tips for Remembering Your Dreams
      by Ana Lora Garrard

      “You think you’d like to remember your dreams more clearly. You sense they might have something valuable to tell you—something that could help you in your spiritual growth. How can you go about improving your dream recall? Here are five tips to get you started.”


      dream-interpretation-2Dream Interpretation for Everyone
      by Dr. Michael Lennox

      “There are several questions that I am always asked with great consistency. The first is usually, “Does every dream mean something?” to which I always reply, “Only if you ask.” The second most frequent question goes something like this: “I hear that everyone in your dreams is really part of you. Is that true?”


      what-dreams-tell-us-3Dreams: What Are They Trying to Tell Us?
      by Maria Shaw

      “Dreaming is one of the best ways for the subconscious mind to get your attention. Many people get psychic impressions from their dreams. Some people think they never dream. They do, but probably can’t remember. In some dreams, our friends and family members may make an appearance. Even loved ones who have passed on can show up from time to time to say hello.”


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