oct-13-image-tarotcastJoin me each week as I flip the cards and give you a general vibe of the week ahead through the lens of the Tarot!

Monday: The Emperor
Your week starts out with looking at the power plays in your life. Ask yourself where do you need to step into a position of power and command authority and where do you need to create more order and structure. It's your time to take the bull by the horns and take control of a situation.

Tuesday: Strength
Being smack in the middle of a Mercury retrograde cycle can test even the strongest of people. Don't bend to the pressure. Tap into your well of strength to overcome whatever's being thrown at you today. You have what it takes to stand tall and rise above the challenges.

Wednesday: Three of Wands
Look out the window of possibilities. There's a whole world out there waiting to offer you new opportunities for expansion and growth. So what ideas are you percolating in that think tank of yours? Time to plan, strategize and hit the ground running (once the trickster planet goes direct, of course!)

Thursday: Nine of Wands
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Learn from the past so you can be sure not to repeat it. Not everyone has your back, so it's important to know who can be trusted and who needs to be kept at a distance from your awesomesauce.

Friday: The Hermit
If something's going on in your outer world that has you confused and scattered, take a pause and turn inward for guidance. Light a purple candle and place a piece of Celestite on your altar to open the doorway to insight and clarity from your Angelic team of helpers.

Saturday: The Magician
Today you are a walking lodestone, magnetizing all sorts of delicious blessings and miracles into your life. Use your magic wisely by setting a clear intention towards your goals and backing them up with action. Sounds like the perfect night to whip up a magical oil to keep the manifestation vibes flowing.

Sunday: Eight of Cups
All good things must come to an end. Especially when there's something bigger and better waiting for you on the other side of the journey. Say goodbye to what you've outgrown because you are about to cash your ticket and embark on a new adventure.

Tarot Blessings!
Zuri Eberhart


Zuri Eberhart is a Florida based psychic intuitive and energy healer, bringing magic and clarity into the lives of men and women from across the globe. To schedule a private reading with her, contact Zuri at AskZuri.com. Image Credits: Vanessa Tarot used with permission by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


oct-13-image-tarotcastJoin me each week as I flip the cards and give you a general vibe of the week ahead through the lens of the Tarot!

Monday: The Emperor
Your week starts out with looking at the power plays in your life. Ask yourself where do you need to step into a position of power and command authority and where do you need to create more order and structure. It's your time to take the bull by the horns and take control of a situation.

Tuesday: Strength
Being smack in the middle of a Mercury retrograde cycle can test even the strongest of people. Don't bend to the pressure. Tap into your well of strength to overcome whatever's being thrown at you today. You have what it takes to stand tall and rise above the challenges.

Wednesday: Three of Wands
Look out the window of possibilities. There's a whole world out there waiting to offer you new opportunities for expansion and growth. So what ideas are you percolating in that think tank of yours? Time to plan, strategize and hit the ground running (once the trickster planet goes direct, of course!)

Thursday: Nine of Wands
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Learn from the past so you can be sure not to repeat it. Not everyone has your back, so it's important to know who can be trusted and who needs to be kept at a distance from your awesomesauce.

Friday: The Hermit
If something's going on in your outer world that has you confused and scattered, take a pause and turn inward for guidance. Light a purple candle and place a piece of Celestite on your altar to open the doorway to insight and clarity from your Angelic team of helpers.

Saturday: The Magician
Today you are a walking lodestone, magnetizing all sorts of delicious blessings and miracles into your life. Use your magic wisely by setting a clear intention towards your goals and backing them up with action. Sounds like the perfect night to whip up a magical oil to keep the manifestation vibes flowing.

Sunday: Eight of Cups
All good things must come to an end. Especially when there's something bigger and better waiting for you on the other side of the journey. Say goodbye to what you've outgrown because you are about to cash your ticket and embark on a new adventure.

Tarot Blessings!
Zuri Eberhart


Zuri Eberhart is a Florida based psychic intuitive and energy healer, bringing magic and clarity into the lives of men and women from across the globe. To schedule a private reading with her, contact Zuri at AskZuri.com. Image Credits: Vanessa Tarot used with permission by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.