• Weekly Astrological Forecast for July 22 through July 28, 2024
    July 22 through July 28, 2024 We’ll welcome the Sun’s move into Leo today, bringing brighter and more energetic energy to our world over the next four weeks! Heart-centered activities, personal renewal, and generous acts will spotlight the Sun’s travels through this fiery sign. Monday’s Aquarius Moon could bring some chaos with it, as unexpected changes and delays litter the day. The good news is that things will calm down considerably when the Moon moves into Pisces and has us drifting on a cloud of good vibes on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mercury will move into Virgo on Thursday, and as one of the signs Mercury rules, we’ll find our brain power expanding and our longing for organization and detailed work soaring! The Moon dances through Aries on Thursday through Saturday, and all the things we weren’t able to get to at the start of the week will come together beautifully. In fact, we may end up accomplishing twice as much as we are hoping! We can use the energy of the Taurus Moon on ... Read More
    Cathi Bew Kajama’s featured Psychic of the week is Cathi Bew. Looking for someone to provide you with the answers, insight, guidance and empowerment to successfully deal with and resolve all life issues? I am a second generation psychic who channels Spirit while working with my beautiful Tarot cards. This enables me to give voice to the answers and wisdom you seek whilst also empowering YOU ... Read More

  • Why Our Life on Earth Affects Us in the Afterlife
    Why Our Life on Earth Affects Us in the Afterlife, by Kristy Robinett (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The phrase “Rest in Peace” (or R.I.P.) originated from the Latin, “Requiescat in pace,” which comes from a prayer within the Roman Catholic burial liturgy that means “may he (or she) rest in peace.” It is an adage we often use when we ... Read More
  • Just What Is Energy Medicine and What Can It Do For Me?
    Just What Is Energy Medicine and What Can It Do For Me? by Linnie Thomas (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) When you took general science classes in school, your teachers told you that when electricity goes through a wire, a field forms around that wire. Something similar happens in and around your body. You have electrical, magnetic, and life force energy flowing through ... Read More
  • Your Tickets to Past Life Exploration
    Your Tickets to Past Life Exploration, by Judith Marshall (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) For many of us, travel is the spice of life. The comfort and security of home are important, but the unfamiliar stirs the soul. Travel in the physical world offers insight, freedom, and expansion. Travel within—the journey of the spirit—provides the same, especially when exploring ... Read More

  • WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST APRIL 4, 2016Double Vision: Lucid Dreaming
    My question is about a “lucid dream” experience I had about two years ago. I went on a little trip to San Diego with my boyfriend. We were staying at a friend’s house, and I used to have problems sleeping in the same bed with other people, so I decided to get up in the middle of the night and sleep in another room. (As I write this I am getting a lump in my throat – ... Read More

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