• Weekly Astrological Forecast for June 24 through June 30, 2024
    June 24 through June 30, 2024 How we express ourselves this week will reveal whether people are listening or not, as Monday and Tuesday’s Aquarius Moon encourages us to be more assertive and clearer in our communication. We all have different styles, but if you’re feeling like no one is hearing you, this is the time to explore alternate ways of getting your message out to others. The Moon cruises through Pisces Wednesday and Thursday, encouraging us to go deep within to evaluate our spiritual lives. As with our communication styles, this deep dive could reveal some changes we need to consider making. Our most productive days of the week will be Friday and Saturday under the Aries Moon, when our energy returns and our determination expands. We’ll have to move with caution, however, as the planet Saturn will turn retrograde on Saturday. Typically cited as the planet of boundaries and restrictions, it tends to promote the opposite when it is retrograde. So for the next ... Read More
    Cathi Bew Kajama’s featured Psychic of the week is Cathi Bew. Looking for someone to provide you with the answers, insight, guidance and empowerment to successfully deal with and resolve all life issues? I am a second generation psychic who channels Spirit while working with my beautiful Tarot cards. This enables me to give voice to the answers and wisdom you seek whilst also empowering YOU ... Read More

  • 10 Signs of Unresolved Past Lives
    10 Signs of Unresolved Past Lives, by Karen Joy (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Imagine you have been carrying a load for so long that you’ve gotten used to it. Unaware of the burden, you struggle along, fatigued, disenchanted, tripping over obstacles, and sometimes feeling like giving up all together. When you finally realise you are encumbered with this burden, a ... Read More
  • WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST APRIL 4, 2016Discovering Our Many Past Lives
    Discovering Our Many Past Lives, by Douglas De Long (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) “The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew…it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-82) Have you lived before? The answer to that question is yes. As a human soul ... Read More
  • How the Mind of the Soul Establishes Wellbeing
    How the Mind of the Soul Establishes Wellbeing, by Neale Lundgren, PhD (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The soul is always open to reveal itself to the sincere seeker. And because the soul is naturally positive and unpretentious, it projects a receiving spirit to all. As such, the soul can help us maintain not only a physical, mental, and emotional sense of wellbeing, but ... Read More

  • Double Vision: Could Girl in Dream Be Her Future Daughter?
    Two nights ago I had a dream of a little girl. She was around three or four years old with long, dark, beautiful hair, which she wore in pigtails. I remember her smiling and laughing a lot. We talked and laughed and had so much fun together. Then towards the end of the dream, the girl told me she is my husband’s and my daughter. This is all I remember of the dream, yet I have not been able ... Read More

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