• Weekly Astrological Forecast for July 1 through July 7, 2024
    July 1 through July 7, 2024 Astrological highlights this week include Neptune turning retrograde, Mercury moving into the sign of Leo, and a Cancer new Moon on Friday. With all the shifts occurring this week, we’ll want to practice higher awareness and pay attention as our moods and activities change daily. Luckily Monday unfolds under a Taurus Moon, which means it’s the day to get as much done as possible before blocks or reversals arise. Tuesday is when Neptune will turn retrograde and Mercury will enter Leo. Neptune is a subtle shift as it travels backward five months out of the year, so we may not notice too much under this influence at first, but Mercury’s move into fiery Leo will bring out our expressive and generous sides for the next three weeks. The Moon will travel through Gemini Tuesday through Thursday, bringing out our imaginative and social sides. We’ll be more prone to chatting than working, as we connect with others on an intellectual level. The Cancer new Moon occurs ... Read More
    Miranda Kajama’s featured Psychic of the week is Miranda. For the past 27 years, Miranda has helped her clients resolve perplexing issues in their lives through the Tarot. She has come to believe that the Tarot is a very real universe containing very real entities who guide us and where all questions are answered. Allow Miranda to share the wisdom of the Tarot with you and help you find the ... Read More

  • The Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid If You Want to Heal
    The Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid If You Want to Heal, by RJ Spina (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) All of us, at one point or another, will face a debilitating and possibly life-threatening health challenge. It could be mental, emotional, physical, or even spiritual. Sometimes our energetic imbalance manifests as a combination of these things. How your dis-harmony presents ... Read More
  • 10 Signs of Unresolved Past Lives
    10 Signs of Unresolved Past Lives, by Karen Joy (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Imagine you have been carrying a load for so long that you’ve gotten used to it. Unaware of the burden, you struggle along, fatigued, disenchanted, tripping over obstacles, and sometimes feeling like giving up all together. When you finally realise you are encumbered with this burden, a ... Read More
  • WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST APRIL 4, 2016Discovering Our Many Past Lives
    Discovering Our Many Past Lives, by Douglas De Long (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) “The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew…it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-82) Have you lived before? The answer to that question is yes. As a human soul ... Read More

  • Double Vision: Can We Dream Of Past Lives?
    I’m a Caucasian married mother of three living in the U.S. Last night I dreamed I was a little boy with dark skin and dark hair, living in a very rustic little house with dirt floors. I was about six years old, and the entire dream was experienced from this boy’s perspective. While I didn’t know anyone in that dream in my waking life, I felt I knew my dream father and brother as ... Read More

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