Weekly Astrological Forecast for February 10 through February 16, 2025
February 10 through February 16, 2025 We’ll be running on high energy the first three days of the week, as the Moon dances through Leo and waxes full on Wednesday. This full Moon in particular opposes the Aquarius Sun, signaling a time of reviewing and releasing anything that stands in the way of our forward progress and dreams. Letting go of outdated ideas, cultivating an open mind, and seeking out new approaches to old problems are a hallmark of this particular full Moon. Our thoughts will turn to detailed projects and organizational methods as the Moon moves through Virgo on Thursday and Friday. Mercury will move into the watery sign of Pisces on Friday, turning our thoughts to the mystical, the magical, and the mysterious as it takes us into a deeper realm of the soul. The weekend unfolds under a lovely Libra Moon, calling for socializing, fun, and restoring balance to our personal worlds.... Read More
Miranda Kajama’s featured Psychic of the week is Miranda. For the past 27 years, Miranda has helped her clients resolve perplexing issues in their lives through the Tarot. She has come to believe that the Tarot is a very real universe containing very real entities who guide us and where all questions are answered. Allow Miranda to share the wisdom of the Tarot with you and help you find the ... Read More
4 Reasons There Is No Such Thing as a “Bad Match” in Astrology
4 Reasons There Is No Such Thing as a “Bad Match” in Astrology, by Desiree Toby Antila (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) We have all heard it before: “I can’t date them, because they are a Gemini.” More and more, people are generalizing the sun signs of others before giving them a chance. We have heard time and time again that Trine and Sextile couples are ... Read MoreThree Ways to Craft Your Own Spells with Word Magic
Three Ways to Craft Your Own Spells with Word Magic, by Ember Grant (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Is the pen truly mightier than the sword? For personal magic, yes! In this case, instead of a pen, though, your words will be conveyed using items other than a traditional writing instrument. My latest book, The Words of the Witch, explores myriad ways to write and speak ... Read MoreHow and Why to Create Your Own Spellbook
How and Why to Create Your Own Spellbook, by Deborah Blake (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) For many witches, casting spells is a part of their practice of Witchcraft. It may be a large part, used for anything from prosperity to love to healing, or something that is only pulled out during times of great need. Either way, most witches have at least a few books that contain ... Read More
Double Vision: Does Sun Sign Indicate One’s Level of Spiritual Development?
Recently I was talking with some friends, one of whom is a novice astrologer, and she suggested that a person’s sun sign may reflect their level of spiritual development. According to her, Aries and Taurus people tend to be young souls, Leos and Virgos are somewhere in the middle, and Aquarius and Pisces people tend to be “old souls.” What do you think of this idea? Is it ... Read More
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