Weekly Astrological Forecast for May 13 through May 19, 2024

May 13 through May 19, 2024

With the exception of Mercury’s entry into Taurus on Wednesday, things are pretty quiet in the heavens this week. A Leo Moon will make us quite productive Monday and Tuesday, and we’ll finally get a few things completed so we can take them off our to-do list. Mercury’s entry into Taurus will bring our thoughts into alignment with the real world, making it easier to make decisions and start new projects for the next three weeks. A Virgo Moon rules over us Wednesday through Friday, bringing out our diplomatic sides. Making sure everyone is getting a fair shake becomes more important, and our investigative side could turn us all into amateur detectives. Whatever it is you’re looking for, this cycle is sure to bring a few "Eureka!" moments! The weekend unfolds under a balancing Libra Moon, urging us to set aside work and indulge in our most personal relationships. Whether we need to catch up with friends we've lost track of, plan a day trip with a loved one, or give the kids a call to see what they've been up to, connecting with our favorite people will be a theme on Saturday and Sunday.