March 8 through March 14, 2021
Monday's Capricorn Moon will have us waking to a productive day, allowing us to catch up on anything we couldn't get to last week. Take care though, as things could come undone Tuesday through Wednesday when the Moon moves into Aquarius and throws a few unexpected twists and turns into the mix. Thursday through Saturday we'll drift along under a spiritual Pisces Moon and on Saturday, a new Moon in Pisces will set the stage for the next two weeks. Pisces new Moons aren't always a call to start new things, as the spiritual tones it carries makes it more viable for setting new intentions and exploring our intuitive sides. The Moon will dance into Aries on Sunday, calling us to delve into the creative sides of our psyches and try new ways of approaching long-standing problems. With the Astrological New Year and a new season due in next week, now is the time to evaluate where we stand, where we'd like to go, and what our options are for embracing the new energies preparing to unfold!