March 18 through March 24, 2024
Happy Astrological New Year! The Sun will move into Aries on Tuesday, making the start of the astrological new year and a brand new season. Creative, assertive and at times, aggressive, Aries is the sign of the warrior, as well as the symbol of rebirth. As we move into a new phase for the next four weeks, everything will take on a new energy and look, reminding us that life is always renewing itself! We may get off to a bit of a slow start, what with the Moon traveling through Cancer Monday and Tuesday, but don't worry, once the Moon charges into Leo on Wednesday, the fire energy abounds! Mars will move into Pisces on Friday, which can be a difficult sign for the planet of action, calling for us to go internal to create the outer movement we are seeking. Friday and Saturday's Virgo Moon could spur us into a major "spring cleaning" frenzy, and keeping the focus on physical movement will keep us from getting stuck in our heads for a few days. However, once the Moon moves into Libra on Sunday, we'll be all about communication, research and socializing!