March 15 through March 21, 2021
Happy Spring Equinox (Autumn in the southern hemisphere) and Astrological New Year! The Sun moves into Aries on Saturday, followed by Venus on Sunday, and sets a brand new tone for the remainder of 2021. The week starts out with Mercury moving into spiritual Pisces on Monday, which will turn our thoughts to the mystical, the soulful, and the metaphysical for the next three weeks. This is a wonderful time to advance our meditation and spiritual practices and lean more fully into following our intuition. The Taurus Moon prevails overhead Tuesday through Thursday, enabling us to tackle our physical worlds and restore balance to our health, finances, and work obligations. A Gemini Moon will take us into the new season, as our heads fill with creative ideas and hopes for a bright new future. The Sun's move into Aries on Saturday inspires a fresh start and new beginnings, making this the ideal time to recommit to any New Year resolutions we've let slide and to bolster our commitments to live a more purpose-filled and vibrant life! Let's all take a breather on Sunday as Venus tiptoes into Aries and the Cancer Moon inspires staying in, working on home projects, or simply take a long nap to catch up on our sleep!