Weekly Astrological Forecast for March 10 through March 16, 2025

March 10 through March 16, 2025

Two major astrological events will happen this Friday, but before they do, we'll have a few days to prepare. Monday and Tuesday's Leo Moon will have us reaching out to others to make sure they have all they need, as well as reviewing our requirements to ensure all is in order. Our mantra should be fairness and balance in all we do, say, and think. The Moon will move into Virgo on Wednesday, making the next three days all about organizing and focusing on details. Our worlds have gotten a bit out of order, so taking the time to restore and review is essential. If you didn't back up your computer, phones, and electronic devices last week, now is the time! Friday heralds the first eclipse of the year, as the Virgo Full Moon creates a lunar eclipse. For the next two weeks, we'll release things in our physical world that no longer serve us, be it outworn clothing, old paperwork, or general clutter. A few hours later Mercury will turn retrograde, where it will spend the next three weeks asking us to take a closer look at our current paths, do more research and if needed, revise our plans. We all know Mercury can throw a few wrenches during this cycle, but if we keep in mind it's to keep us from moving down the right path, we'll be more open to letting go and allowing a different picture to emerge.