June 7 through June 13, 2021
The second of two eclipses occurs on Thursday this week, as the Gemini new Moon manifests a solar eclipse. For the next two weeks, we'll be focused on our emotional well-being, as we use the new Moon to create new ways of expressing ourselves and processing our feelings. By the time the Sun moves into Cancer on June 21, our ability to move with our intuition and inner knowings will be at an all time high! Before this transition occurs, we can use Monday and Tuesday's Taurus Moon to get our most important projects off the ground and set a course for greater achievements over the coming months, enhanced by Mars' move into power-filled Leo on Friday. Mars will spend the next two months encouraging us to quit hiding our lights under a barrel and express our dreams and true selves for all the world to see! The Moon will saunter through Cancer Friday and Saturday, focusing our attention on home, family, security, and comfort. If your plans include being a couch-potato after a trying two weeks, you'll have the full support of the planets! Take advantage though, as Sunday's Aries Moon will have us back up and running, though the paths we choose will be filled with social fun or athletic pursuits!