June 28 through July 4, 2021
Whew! After all the chaos in the heavens last week, we can regroup for the next seven days, as there are no astrological events on the agenda. The Moon will glide through Pisces Monday through Wednesday, bringing out our spiritual and reflective sides. We may not get much done the first three days of the week, but what we process internally will be essential before moving forward. We can get back to work as the Moon cruises through action-oriented Aries and most likely, get double completed than anything we attempted at the start of the week, making up for lost time at record speed! For those of us living in the United States, we'll celebrate Independence day under a Taurus Moon, and unlike last year, should be free to join in holiday events with loved ones freely. For the rest of the globe, this is a great weekend to tackle those household repairs or engage In activities that challenge us on a physical as well as mental level. All in all, a good week to rebalance, first spiritually and then physically.