Weekly Astrological Forecast for January 6 through January 12, 2025

January 6 through January 12, 2025

The week starts out on a high note as the Moon travels through Aries on Monday and Tuesday, bringing our creative and determined spirit to life! Once it moves into Taurus on Wednesday, we can start putting our ideas into action. Mercury moves into Capricorn on Wednesday, and as the only planetary event of the week, turns our attention to work, security, family, and responsibility. As it joins the Sun in Capricorn it sets the stage for a year of prosperity, encouraging us to keep the focus on our goals for the next twelve months. Friday and Saturday the Moon will dance through Gemini, bringing out our social sides, encouraging greater communication, and providing more access to any information we’ve been seeking. We’ll all want to take advantage of Sunday’s Cancer Moon, taking the time to restore order to our personal surroundings and resting from a high activity week.