Weekly Astrological Forecast for January 29 through February 4, 2024

January 29 through February 4, 2024

This will be a relatively quiet week after all the transitions of late, as no major astrological events are on the calendar. The Moon will travel through Virgo on Monday, making this the ideal day for research, details or organizational projects. Once the Moon moves into Libra on Tuesday, we'll have a few days to breathe as we restore balance, catch up on correspondence and focus on some self-care. The Moon will move into Scorpio on Thursday an create a more intense energy through to Saturday. Some of us will gravitate toward more spiritual pursuits, while others will take on projects that require intense focus and attention (like taxes, haha.) Luckily the week will end on a fun note thanks to the Moon's entry into Sagittarius on Sunday. Make plans with loved ones to get out of the house and have some fun!