February 7 through February 13, 2022
We'll be cruising the information highway this week as the Sun picks up full power in Aquarius. Keep in mind that even though Mercury went direct last week, there could be some lingering fallout, so stay alert! Monday and Tuesday unfold under a Taurus Moon, enabling us to take care of obligations of a material nature, whether work or home related. If you've got a home project or assignment you're not sure how to approach, hop on YouTube for some great ideas or direction. Wednesday through Friday we'll be under the influence of the Gemini Moon, which makes networking, socializing and researching our main focus. Not only will you be surprised at what you learn, you'll be dispensing valuable information to others! The Cancer Moon will take precedence over the weekend, inspiring a cleaning and refreshing of your personal space, as well as socializing with loved ones, or giving yourself permission to be a couch potato and catch up on all those movies or tv shows you've been meaning to watch!