December 5 through December 11, 2022
Monday's Taurus Moon will prove most productive, as we plow through our obligations and free up the rest of the week for personal pursuits. Mercury will move into enterprising Capricorn on Tuesday, setting us on a course to gather more information or review current methods to see where change might be needed. The Moon will wax full in Gemini on Wednesday, marking the start of a two-week period of reflection and reconnecting with those dearest to us over the holiday season. Venus will move into Capricorn on Friday, adding a creative flair to all we do and reminding us to practice more authenticity and groundedness in all we do. The Cancer Moon on Friday and Saturday will turn our thoughts to home and family, as well as creating a sense of security and stability around us. A Leo Moon on Sunday will cast a generous and heart-centered air around us, compelling us to take better care of ourselves and others!