Aries Horoscope
Aries - The Ram (March 21 - April 19)
Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Mars. Impetuous, hardworking and action-oriented, Aries are the first ones on the scene when it comes to adventure, and often dare to go where angels fear to tread. They are creative and love new endeavors so much that they often having two or three projects going at the same time. They also bore easily, however, so they don't always finish what they start. Aries are loyal, confident, determined and forthright, but they can also be rash, stubborn and impatient. With an Aries, what you see is what you get, for they are unpretentious and open. Aries are generally athletic and love to walk, run and hike. Like their symbol, the Ram, they are not afraid to tackle steep mountains on their climb to success. They exude radiance, vitality and generally enjoy good health. Because Aries rules the head, this sign needs to watch out for stress headaches, fevers, ear and eye troubles.
ELEMENT: fire, masculine
THEMES: business, enterprise, spiritual awakenings
PASSIONS: fast Cars, travel, exploring
FRENEMIES: Cancer, Capricorn
HOT CHEMISTRY: Scorpio, Aquarius
TRUE LOVE: Gemini, Libra
COLOR: red
GEMSTONE: diamond
FLOWER: honeysuckle

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus - The Bull (April 20 - May 20)
People born under the sign of Taurus are grounded, determined and patient, which makes them one of the most financially successful signs of the zodiac. They are practical, good at reasoning things out, and have strong opinions about the world and their place in it. It is difficult to change a Taurus' mind, which is why they tend to be considered stubborn. Taurus is rule by Venus, so Taureans tend to have expensive taste and will spoil themselves as well as their loved ones with indulgent gifts. Emotionally, Taurus is sentimental, romantic and nurturing. Their creativity and love of music and theater will often take them into the field of entertainment either as a performer or a patron of the arts. This second sign of the zodiac rules the neck and shoulders, and because Taureans are active and atheltic, they are prone to sprains and injuries in these areas.
ELEMENT: earth/feminine
THEMES: stability, security, indulgence
PASSIONS: money, music, luxury
BEST FRIENDS: Gemini, Pisces
FRENEMIES: Virgo, Sagittarius
HOT CHEMISTRY: Libra, Aquarius
TRUE LOVE: Scorpio, Capricorn
COLOR: pink, pastels
GEMSTONE: emerald
FLOWER: daffodil

Gemini Horoscopes
Gemini - The Twins (May 21 - June 20)
Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Geminis are all about information. They'll be the first on the block with the latest iPhone, computer or bluetooth technology, - anything that makes it easier to send and receive information. Geminis are known for their wit, charm and curiosity. They can also appear flighty, scattered and a bit unreliable at times (usually when Mercury is retrograde). This third sign of the zodiac is physically-inclined, strongly independent, and prone to change their mind at a moment's notice. As far as they are concerned, not much is written in stone. Geminis make great DJs, news anchors and masters of ceremonies, and have a gift for writing and public speaking. Health-wise, Gemini rules everything that comes in pairs, so these signs must watch for trouble with their eyes, ears, lungs, kidneys, hands and feet.
ELEMENT: air/masculine
THEMES: intelligence, curiosity, variety
PASSIONS: inspired conversation, electronics, adventure
BEST FRIENDS: Cancer, Virgo
FRENEMIES: Gemini, Capricorn
HOT CHEMISTRY: Libra, Pisces
TRUE LOVE: Aries, Aquarius
COLOR: yellow
GEMSTONE: alexandrite
FLOWER: lilac

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer - The Crab (June 21 - July 22)
The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, making it one of the more psychic and artistic signs of the zodiac. Cancers are highly domestic; they make excellent parents and love cooking, decorating and gardening. They often choose a profession related to one of these fields. This fourth sign of the zodiac embodies the famous line, There's no place like home.
They'd rather stay home than travel, and love feathering their nests with eclectic artwork and decor. Like the crab that represents them, they will retreat into themselves if they feel unsafe or angry. Cancers are sensitive and easily hurt. Because they tend to avoid confrontation and assertive action, Cancers will go with the flow until they've had enough; once they've had it, the claws will come out! Cancer rules the teeth, breasts and the womb. This sign often struggles with depression and weight issues, and must take care in these areas.
ELEMENT: water/feminine
THEMES: intuitive, nurturing, sentimental
PASSIONS: cooking, gardening, romance
BEST FRIENDS: Gemini, Libra
FRENEMIES: Taurus, Aquarius
HOT CHEMISTRY: Sagittarius, Pisces
TRUE LOVE: Scorpio, Capricorn
COLOR: silver
FLOWER: magnolia

Leo Horoscope
Leo - The Lion (July 23 - August 22)
The lionhearted sign of Leo is considered the king of the jungle as well as the king of the zodiac. Ruled by the Sun, Leos are entertaining, talented, generous, fun-loving and fair-minded. They possess endless confidence, which can sometimes lead to an over-inflated ego. Boasting, bragging and exaggerating are just a few of the tactics Leos will use to get attention, as this fifth sign of the zodiac loves to be in the spotlight! Being natural born entertainers, Leos gravitate toward show business. If they can't be on stage, they'll be directing or pulling strings in the background. Leos can be generous to a fault in showering loved ones with gifts and money. When they go over their credit limit, they'll simply sign up for a new card! Leo rules the heart, so these signs must watch for high blood pressure and cholesterol issues.
ELEMENT: fire/masculine
THEMES: strength, generosity, confidence
PASSIONS: performing arts, politics, being the center of attention
BEST FRIENDS: Taurus, Sagittarius
FRENEMIES: Virgo, Pisces
HOT CHEMISTRY: Gemini, Capricorn
TRUE LOVE: Aries, Scorpio
COLOR: gold, orange
FLOWER: sunflower

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo - The Virgin (August 23 - September 22)
Virgos are idealistic, health-conscious and meticulous. Because of their penchant for details and organization, Virgos make great researchers, surgeons and engineers. Ruled by Mercury, Virgos are intelligent and great communicators. They make great advocates and often take up humanitarian causes. This sign has a great sense of humor, loves to laugh, and always knows the latest jokes to entertain their friends. Hard working, great at troubleshooting and up for any challenge, Virgos are happiest when they have a cause to fight for or a closet to organize. To its disadvantage, this sixth sign of the zodiac leans toward perfectionism and can appear critical. Virgos can come across as controlling, for they worry about everything being a certain way. As Virgo rules the stomach, this can lead to indigestion, ulcers or acid reflux.
ELEMENT: earth/feminine
THEMES: idealistic, details, organization
PASSIONS: entertaining, outdoor activities, culinary arts
BEST FRIENDS: Aries, Gemini
FRENEMIES: Libra, Sagittarius
HOT CHEMISTRY: Capricorn, Scorpio
TRUE LOVE: Taurus, Leo
COLOR: blue
GEMSTONE: sapphire
FLOWER: morning glory

Libra Horoscope
Libra - The Scales (September 23 - October 22)
Ruled by Venus and designated as the dreamers of the zodiac, Libras are gentle, intelligent, loving and committed. Though idealistic and sometimes indecisive, people born under the sign of the scales appreciate balance and harmony above all else. As Libras' charming ways can put others at ease, you'll often find them at the center of social events. Though artistic and romantic, Libras often have trouble making commitments and knowing their own minds. This seventh sign of the zodiac shines in careers that involve writing, event planning and matchmaking. Love and partnership are great motivators for Libras, as they work best in union with others. Libra rules the ears, nose and throat; breathing troubles such as allergies or asthma are common. Because they have a sensitive immune system, Libra folks need to be on the alert for airborne illnesses such as colds or the flu.
ELEMENT: air/masculine
THEMES: balance, harmony, love
PASSIONS: romance, home decorating, writing
BEST FRIENDS: Taurus, Cancer
FRENEMIES: Scorpio, Capricorn
TRUE LOVE: Aries, Gemini
COLOR: blue
FLOWER: rose

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio - The Scorpion (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpios are known for being edgy, dramatic, intense and emotional. Of all water signs, Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, is the least passive. Scorpios love secrets, are skilled in strategy and underground movement, and do well as detectives or mystery writers. They are excellent at handling other people's money, which makes them ideal investment brokers or bankers. Scorpios crave excitement and tend to be daredevils; they are very good at moving like ninjas to slip by undetected or go where they want to go. They are great at using their keen intuition to decipher life's hidden messages. They normally have high sex drives and are on a constant hunt for intimacy. On the down side, Scorpios can be relentless, obsessive and jealous. Scorpios feel things deeply and tend to hold grudges. Because this sign rules the intestines, bowels and sexual organs, people born under the sign of Scorpio must take care to eat right and protect themselves against STDs.
ELEMENT: water/feminine
THEMES: intense, soulful, mysterious
PASSIONS: sex, secrets, the paranormal
BEST FRIENDS: Aries, Gemini
FRENEMIES: Cancer, Capricorn
HOT CHEMISTRY: Scorpio, Aquarius
TRUE LOVE: Taurus, Pisces
COLOR: black
FLOWER: poppy

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius - The Archer (November 22 - December 21)
Sagittarians are optimistic, generous, fun-loving and organized. As they are ruled by Jupiter, they value the justice system and higher education; this makes them ideal teachers, lawyers and politicians. Sagittarius is a very nurturing sign (second only to Cancer) that strives for optimism and fairness. Sagittarius folks tend to put others' needs before their own and for this reason, will often take up causes to help the underdog or improve conditions for humanity. This sign is always on the search for something better and hoping that the next big break is just around the corner. Sagittarians are athletic and somewhat accident-prone, so they must take care when engaged in physical activities. Overindulgence and excess are also tendencies that this sign needs to keep an eye on. Sagittarius rules the endocrine system (blood, glands, thyroid, etc.) and skin, which can lead to rashes, skin afflictions and hormonal imbalances.
ELEMENT: fire/masculine
THEMES: fairness, humanitarianism, having fun
PASSIONS: philosophy, social events, sports
FRENEMIES: Taurus, Scorpio
HOT CHEMISTRY: Aries, Capricorn
TRUE LOVE: Cancer, Virgo
COLOR: purple
GEMSTONE: turquoise
FLOWER: dahlias

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn - The Goat (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorns are grounded, practical and hardworking. They are keen visionaries who approach their goals in a practical manner. In their drive to succeed and create stability and security for their families, they are prone to workaholism. As they are athletic, grounded and mindful of their health, Capricorns usually enjoy a youthful glow well into their later years. Some of the best careers for this tenth sign of the zodiac include accounting, engineering, entrepreneurship and architecture. They thrive when put in the position of authority or manager, for they take their work very seriously. Being ruled by Saturn, they can come across as having little patience and impossibly high standards. Capricorn folks possess dry wits and generous souls, which makes them the life of the party at social events. Capricorn rules the skeletal system, so this sign must watch out for broken bones, scoliosis and osteoporosis.
ELEMENT: earth/feminine
THEMES: success, financial security, responsibility
PASSIONS: family, sports, organizations
FRENEMIES: Aries, Gemini
HOT CHEMISTRY: Sagittarius, Pisces
TRUE LOVE: Taurus, Cancer
COLOR: indigo
GEMSTONE: garnet
FLOWER: carnation

Aquarius Horoscopes
Aquarius - The Water Bearer (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and is known for its innovative, unorthodox ways. Aquarians are strong, dependable and hardworking. Aquarius is the sign of friendship, which makes them valuable confidantes and contacts. They strive for honesty and are very direct, a trait that is usually admired by others. They are also prone to rebellious, outrageous behavior, which some may not find so admirable. Aquarians do well in careers that involve computers, inventions or research and development. Because of their independent streak, Aquarians are more likely than other signs of the zodiac to lead solitary lives; however, they will commit wholeheartedly to someone who understands their forward-thinking and ever-changing moods. Aquarius rules the nervous system, so people of this sign must watch out for symptoms of fibromyalgia, lupus, and attention-deficit disorder.
ELEMENT: air/masculine
THEMES: innovation, free-thinking, independence
PASSIONS: computers, science, friendship
BEST FRIENDS: Aries, Gemini
FRENEMIES: Cancer, Capricorn
HOT CHEMISTRY: Scorpio, Aquarius
TRUE LOVE: Leo, Libra
COLOR: silver, electric Blue
GEMSTONE: amethyst
FLOWER: orchid

Pisces Horoscopes
Pisces - The Fish (February 19 - March 20)
Those born under the sign of Pisces are artistic, psychic, adaptable, and highly emotional. Because they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of fantasy and illusion, they often choose flight over fight, preferring to swim off rather than face confrontation. They fluctuate between being emotional and being detached, which can make them difficult to read. Pisces have been known to stretch the truth to fit their needs, but it's more a matter of convenience than deliberate deception. Pisces are passive and happy to let others take the lead, especially in matters of the heart. They tend to let life experience come to them, rather than chasing it down. Pisces folks make wonderful psychics, artists and poets, thanks to their high interest in the human experience and the occult. Pisces prefer indoor activities and rarely involve themselves in athletic activities. Because Pisces rules the legs and feet, they must take care to wear good shoes when they do go out for that rare walk in the park.
ELEMENT: water/feminine
THEMES: art, intuition, imagination
PASSIONS: metaphysics, daydreaming, creative ventures
BEST FRIENDS: Cancer, Capricorn
FRENEMIES: Aries, Virgo
HOT CHEMISTRY: Taurus, Aquarius
TRUE LOVE: Gemini, Scorpio
COLOR: sea green, aqua
GEMSTONE: aquamarine
FLOWER: lotus