Rituals for the Spring Equinox

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by Kala Ambrose

Ancient schools taught people how to observe the powerful events occurring in nature and connect them with the energy here on earth. We still have the ability to connect with nature in order to assist with our growth and development and, to cultivate balance and growth. I’m happy to present here a series of transforming activities for the three-day period of the Equinox. The Equinox ritual consists of two parts, the outward celebration and the inner rebirth.

Day One of the Equinox

It’s time for spring cleaning. Clean your house and remove all clutter. As you clean each room and the items in it, do so with reverence and appreciation for the abundance in your life. Cover your home in loving energy as you clean, picturing you and your loved ones in each room, feeling happy, content, joyful and relaxed. By this evening, you should be ready to smudge each room with white sage to purify and cleanse each room.

On the Eve of the Equinox

Reflect upon the thoughts and goals you set during the Fall Equinox and for the New Year. Consider the lessons and experiences of the past six months, and decide what is hindering progress with your goals.

Ask yourself: “What important seeds of truth need to be revealed this spring in order for me to truly know myself, so that I may blossom into my power-filled being? It’s time to awaken from my period of hibernation, inactivity and self-introspection and put these thoughts and plans into action!”

To awaken to your higher-self and activate your growth cycle, begin the spring equinox ritual by taking a shower. As the water flows over your body, imagine all negative thoughts leaving your mind, being washed away from you. As you dry off, say out loud, “All that happens, happens for good. Divine spring energy is working through me now!"

Day Two of the Equinox

This day is what people refer to as “Equinox Day.” It is the day to celebrate rebirth, renewal and abundance. It is a time to toast new plans of action and growth, as you are becoming “a garden in bloom!"

Celebrate with rituals that include creating and sharing spring equinox gift baskets with your loved ones and friends. The day culminates with dinner to celebrate renewal, rebirth and the magic of the seasons, life and all the wonder it brings, along with sharing dreams you plan to bring into fruition this year. This is a powerful day to put plans into action.

In ancient times, the spring equinox was celebrated with an outward and inward celebration:

  • Outwardly: people celebrated with egg hunts, (a symbol of the earth and rebirth), by giving and decorating with bunnies, (a universal symbol of fertility for spring, the act of creation with birth and mind, and turning thoughts into fruition) and by giving baskets, (a symbol of abundance). A special dinner with family and friends is also common to celebrate the return of spring and renewal.
  • Inwardly: people took action on the seeds (goals) that they planted during the fall equinox. Spring presented the time and divine opportunity to step forward and create oneself anew, with the tools of gratitude, abundance and creativity.

Day Three of the Equinox

Celebrate the renewal of spring and the divine feminine energy which is present everywhere in nature at this season. This is the time to emerge from introspection and self-observation into spring renewal, with the focus being on action, creation and celebration.
Here are some suggestions to activate your creative side and bring new perspective and balance into your life.

  • Plant flowers in the garden
  • Take on a new creative project (preferably something new you have not done before)
  • Decorate your home in bright new colors
  • Express gratitude for the abundance of opportunity in your life
  • Accept new challenges in order to grow and step closer to your goals
  • Embrace the future by spending time with the people in your life who will encourage your dreams and aspirations.

The spring equinox is a great time to jump start your goals, but this ritual can be done anytime in spring for wonderful and positive results. It has never made real sense with our current Julian calendar that one would create new year resolutions in the dead of winter, on January 1. Your dreams were planted as seeds of thought in the fall, and now is the time to tend to your garden and bring forth beautiful blooms of creativity. You haven’t failed at your new year resolutions, "You’ve only just begun!"

Decide what actions you will take immediately, and proceed from there. May the journey into the transformative sacred garden of spring grow with delight as you take each step!

Award-winning author, national columnist, inspirational speaker, and host of the Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show, Kala Ambrose's teachings are described as discerning, empowering and inspiring. Kala is the author of four books on ghosts and spirits; she also presents workshops nationally on the mind/body/spirit connection, auras and energy fields, developing entrepreneur intuition, haunted history and wisdom teachings. To learn more about Kala and her work, visit her website, ExploreYourSpirit.com.