
Life Changers:

Astral Projection

The Law of Attraction


Some Favorite Authors:

Robert Moss writes books that are truly extraordinary about dreams and dreaming. Here are some of his best works:

Not a week goes by that I don't pull a book by Sanaya Roman off the shelf just to shift into "higher self mode." Books by Sanaya:

Stuart Wilde is unlike any writer you've ever read. He's "out there," but in the best possible way. If I could have dinner with any spiritual writer, he may be the one I'd choose.

Barbara Brennan is THE authority on energy healing. Her classics include:

Healing from the Loss of a Pet:

Suggestions from Kajama Fans:

Obviously, we're just getting started here! Please use the form below to send us suggestions for this list. In particular, we're putting together sections on The Afterlife, Spirit Contact, Near-Death Experiences and Reincarnation. Thanks!

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