Life Changers:
- Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain
- The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav
- The Secret Life of Plants by Tompkins and Bird
- Journey of Souls by Michael Newton, Ph.D.
- Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton, Ph.D.
- Opening to Channel by Sanaya Roman
- Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman
- The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn
- The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder
- Practical Psychic Self-Defense by Robert Bruce
- Pronoia by Rob Brezsny
- The Secret Life of Water by Masaru Emoto
- Life Between Lives by Michael Newton Ph.D.
- Return from Heaven by Carol Bowman
- Death Does Not Part Us by Elsie Sechrist
- Talking to Heaven by James Von Praagh
- Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss
- Same Soul, Many Bodies by Brian Weiss
- The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz
- The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden
- The Spontaneous Healing of Belief by Gregg Braden
- Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss
- Sacred Contracts by Caroline Myss
- Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith
- The Sevenfold Journey by Anodea Judith
- Strangers Among Us by Ruth Montgomery
- Sun Signs by Linda Goodman
- Rediscovering Life: Awaken to Reality by Anthony de Mello
- The Afterlife of Billy Fingers by Annie Kagan
- Spiritual Literacy by Frederic Brussat
- Positive Energy by Judith Orloff, M.D.
Astral Projection
- Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce
- Journeys Out of the Body by Robert Monroe
- Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe
- Out-of-Body Experiences by Robert Peterson
The Law of Attraction
- Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain
- The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn
- The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder
- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy
- The Silva Mind Control Method by Jose Silva
- As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
- The Trick to Money is Having Some by Stuart Wilde
- Miracles by Stuart Wilde
- Recordings by Abraham-Hicks
Some Favorite Authors:
Robert Moss writes books that are truly extraordinary about dreams and dreaming. Here are some of his best works:
- Dreaming the Soul Back Home
- Active Dreaming
- Conscious Dreaming
- The Three "Only" Things
- Dreamgates
- The Secret History of Dreaming
- The Dreamer's Book of the Dead
Not a week goes by that I don't pull a book by Sanaya Roman off the shelf just to shift into "higher self mode." Books by Sanaya:
- Personal Power Through Awareness
- Spiritual Growth: Being your Higher Self
- Creating Money
- Living with Joy
- Opening to Channel
Stuart Wilde is unlike any writer you've ever read. He's "out there," but in the best possible way. If I could have dinner with any spiritual writer, he may be the one I'd choose.
- Infinite Self: 33 Steps to Reclaiming your Inner Power
- The Trick to Money is Having Some
- Sixth Sense
Barbara Brennan is THE authority on energy healing. Her classics include:
Healing from the Loss of a Pet:
- Animal Reincarnation by Brent Atwater
- Animals and the Afterlife by Kim Sheridan
- When Your Pet Dies: A Guide To Mourning, Remembering and Healing by Alan Wolfelt
- Saying Goodbye to Your Angel Animals: Finding Comfort After Losing Your Pet by Allen Anderson
Suggestions from Kajama Fans:
- Tarot Prediction & Divination: Unveiling Three Layers of Meaning
by Susyn Blair-Hunt
- The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death
by Kajama Assante
- Your Soul's Plan and Your Soul's Gift both by Robert Schwartz
- You Can Heal Your Life
by Louise Hay
- Shaman, Healer, Sage by Alberto Villoldo
- Molecules Of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine
by Candace Pert
- All books by Lee Carroll
- The Angel Blessings Kit, Revised Edition: Cards of Sacred Guidance and Inspiration
by Kimberly Marooney
- The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life
by Drunvalo Melchizedek
- Behaving As If the God in All Life Mattered
by Machaelle Wright
- The Celestine Prophecy
by James Redfield
- God I Am: From Tragic to Magic
by Peter O. Erbe
- Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife
by Eben Alexander
Obviously, we're just getting started here! Please use the form below to send us suggestions for this list. In particular, we're putting together sections on The Afterlife, Spirit Contact, Near-Death Experiences and Reincarnation. Thanks!