Welcome to June!
June breaks down to a 15/6 universal month in numerology, focusing our sights on how to create better balance and more harmony within our relationships.
Family may send out the Bat Signal
This month may pile on more familial responsibilities onto your shoulders, making you take on the role of the ultimate care giver. A parent may get sick, your husband, partner or kids (whether human or animal!) may need more support than usual, or you simply find yourself picking up the slack and being the rock that everyone leans on.
If this 6 energy cycle has you a bit topsy turvy, here are some questions to reflect upon to regain balance and re-shift your priorities:
What do I need in order to be happy and feel emotionally fulfilled within a relationship?
Is my relationship meeting my needs?
Or do I need to make changes to create a deeper connection?
Where have I been neglecting my own needs in sacrifice for the emotional well-being of others?
And how can I create more balance and passion in those relationships so that I don’t get lost in the mix?
What has fallen out of harmony in my life and how can I get it back on track?
June will help you find a better way of relating and handling the conflicts in your life. Use the numeric cycle to mend fences, soften your approach so you charm through sweetness, rather than dominance. Find ways to de-stress with yoga, dance or sound therapy.
Take this summer to make family time a priority on your calendar. Schedule some fun time at the movies, the beach or whatever it is that brings you closer.
Singles may actually attract a love match.
Now that we are officially out of Mercury’s backpedaling ways, we can finally communicate with more clarity and meet new people that are in alignment with a solid relationship. June’s 6 vibration supports breaking the cycle of dead end dating and finally crossing paths with someone who’s ready for something more meaningful.
Alternatively, if you have been in a bad relationship that’s not improving and neither of you has been able to walk away, this month may give you the liquid courage to kick that person to the curb for good.
Coupled? Your partner may be ready to move things to the next level.
If you’ve been happily co-habitating or romantically involved for a while, don’t be surprised if your sweetie takes matters into their own hands and brings up the M word. The 6 vibration loves commitment, so this may be the month to manifest an engagement party or plans for a future wedding.
Take pride in your home and appearance.
June is ideal to renovate and add some gorgeousness to your sacred space. Your home is an external reflection of the emotional landscape within. Is the energy positive and flowing? Or blocked and stagnant due to too much clutter, conflicts or broken things within the space? Your home is a living vision board, and based on how you take of it helps you manifest the life that can bring you the most bliss.
So treat it like the magical sanctuary that it is by making sure that everything’s in working order. Spend time de-cluttering, beautifying and making the necessary repairs so that its spirit shines brighter out into the world. Not happy in that space? Or feel you’ve outgrown it? You can use this 6 vibration to move and find the home of your dreams.
Has your look gotten stale? Bring out your inner hot god(dess) and turn heads with a new wardrobe, hair style or get your body back into summer shape at the gym.
Make June work for you by focusing on what matters: a balanced home, family and personal life. One is not more important than the other. Ponder what you need to feel safe, secure and whole. Then, make changes accordingly.
Meditate on the energy of the Temperance Tarot card to help you roll with the punches and flow with Divine timing towards the right outcome for your situation.
xo Zuri
Zuri Eberhart is a Florida based psychic intuitive and energy healer, bringing magic and clarity into the lives of men and women from across the globe. To schedule a private reading with her, contact Zuri at Ask Zuri.com.