Your Birthday Forecast for the Year ($20 Value)
Susyn Blair-Hunt's "Rituals for Empowered Living" E-book ($25 Value)
Daily Inspirational Messages & Weekly Astrological Forecasts
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Astrological Trends Monthly Newsletter ($10 Value)
Your Subscription to the Celestial Circle includes:
- Daily personal horoscopes delivered to your email/cell phone.
- Daily Inspirational Messages, A Weekly Astrological Forecast, Monthly Numerology and Gemstone Forecasts delivered to your email/cell phone.
- Weekly personal horoscopes delivered to your cell phone/email.
- Astrological Trends Monthly Newsletter
- $5 Discount on all Psychic, Astrological or Channeling Readings
- FREE Recording of your Reading Session ($5.00 Value)
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• UNLIMITED SIGNS - Curious to know what the day holds for your spouse or children? Select as many signs as you like with one subscription - all delivered directly to your email or smart phone. • WEEKLY HOROSCOPES - Want to get a jump start on your week? Members can receive all their horoscopes for the week ahead in a single email - just select Weekly Horoscopes for your sign when you register. • WEEKLY TAROTCASTS - See what the Tarot cards have to reveal about this week. • MONTHLY NUMEROLOGICAL FORECAST - Discover the numerological influences you'll encounter this month. • MONTHLY CRYSTAL WISDOM FORECAST - Discover which stones and gemstones carry the most power this month in the Crystal Wisdom Forecast. • READING SPECIALS - Members get $5 off every readings with Susyn, no limit, PLUS a recording of the session (A $5 VALUE). When you purchase a reading, it's like getting two months membership FREE! • YOUR BIRTHDAY FORECAST FOR THE YEAR AHEAD - Discover your lucky numbers, power color, most fortunate months and spirit guide for the year, based on your birthday. Circle members have exclusive access to Susyn's yearly predictions, so you can see what's in store for yourself or loved ones who are celebrating a birthday. • ASTROLOGICAL TRENDS MONTHLY NEWSLETTER - Filled with interesting articles, recipes and insight, our newsletter updates you on the astrological trends for the month and the ideal way to handle them. For around 16 cents a day ($5.95 per month), (less than the cost of the filters they use to brew your $5 cup of cappuccino!) you can wake up every morning to Susyn’s daily horoscopes and stellar guidance!Join now and never miss a single day of Susyn Blair-Hunt’s amazing horoscopes and forecasts.
By clicking "Subscribe" you agree to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy and you consent to storing and using your personal information to contact you in the context of the contact initiated by you. The information you provide is never shared, sold or made available to anyone other than officials and employees.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you complete your Paypal purchase for your Horoscopes Subscriptions, you'll be taken to a registration page. Please fill this out and indicate which horoscopes you would like to have sent to you.
Click Here to Read Your Daily Horoscope by Susyn Blair-Hunt
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***************Testimonials************** “I never start my day without Susyn’s horoscopes! It’s like an astrological weather or traffic report - I know exactly what kind of "conditions" to expect for the day ahead.” - B. Walden, San Antonio, Texas “I plan my wardrobe and wear specific jewelry based on Susyn’s horoscopes, as the colors and gemstones she suggests always make me feel empowered as I move through the day.” - K. Bell, Melbourne, Australia “Susyn’s horoscopes are right on the money! Literally! Recently my horoscope told me to go on a hunt around my house, as there was hidden cash in drawers, closets and pockets. By the end of my search, I had found close to $100! Amazing...” - P. Caldwell, London, UK "I like being able to see the horoscopes for the entire week - makes it easier to plan ahead for what's to come!" A. Hardy, Tampa City, Florida