by Amy Seward
I often times have clients who are struggling to move past a recent break-up or they want to know if they will get back together with an ex. Even if we want to go back to a happier time or a relationship that left us sad when it ended, when we focus on the past we cannot live fully in the present and this may be blocking your path to true happiness.
On the flip side, sometimes the universe will block your forward movement because you are not truly ready for it. If you need to go through a period of grieving the past, do so in the healthiest way by looking towards the future.
“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.” ~Unknown
The next chapter for you will be richer if you focus on the path ahead, be it with your ex in a new realm or someone new. Just know the energy that you give out when you are stuck in the past does not welcome new relationships into your life, at least not healthy ones.
No one wants to go through the pain, sadness or loneliness of a breakup. In my mid 20’s I ended a 5 year, very serious relationship (he had bought the ring). I knew we were close to making a bigger commitment but he had broken my trust many times in the relationship and as I looked towards a future with him I knew I no longer wanted this. The relationship ended abruptly and all contact with him was severed, like a death. As I look back I realize it had to end this way, as the relationship was only going in one direction and I no longer wanted this even though I still deeply cared for him.
I used to wonder why the relationship went on for so long and recall that I always focused on the good things and pushed away the bad. It was like I only wanted to read the good parts of the story and ignore the bad. When I finally moved on from this relationship I went through a long period of sadness. But, I never looked back. I took time to visualize what I really wanted in my future and became so much stronger in doing so.
So how do you move beyond your past? Closure, really has no set formula, you have to find the formula that works for you. For me it was making even more changes than the breakup itself, it was making a dramatic change to my hairstyle, moving to a different part of the city, living alone for the first time in my life, and taking time to connect with my friends and travel to new places. I had to put myself in situations that were unfamiliar and uncomfortable (like blind dates, or online dating). But as I put myself out there, I started a new chapter and become happier than I had been in years. The more I put positive energy out to the universe, the more positive energy I received back.
Looking backwards should never be your focus, you have a choice how you react to every situation in your life, so look inward and forward! The sooner you move on to the next chapter, the richer your life can become.
“You can’t skip chapters that’s not how life works. You have to read every line, meet every character. You won't enjoy all of it. Heck, some of the chapters will make you cry for weeks. You will read things you don’t want to read, and you will have moments so amazing you don’t want the pages to end. You have to keep going. Stories keep the world revolving. Live yours, don’t miss out!” - Unknown
Amy Seward is a Psychic Medium, Astrologer and Tarot reader with over 20 years experience. Her keen ability to tune into your problems and provide stellar guidance is unparalleled. Visit her link to get your first reading with Amy free! Free Reading with Amy