In most of my dreams, I am aware that there is a man beside me. I never actually see him, but I know he is there. He travels through my dreams with me, and though I don’t talk to him, we seem to communicate telepathically. For example, I’ll decide to go somewhere in a dream, and he will know what I am going to do and just go with me. I used to assume this man was a part of me, like my masculine side or something, but then it hit me – maybe it’s a spirit guide or someone I have a close relationship with in the astral or something. What do you think?
– Jolene
You already know the answer to this, for you told us yourself. This man is actually the other half of your soul. It is not particularly a male or female being, but since you are female and heterosexual in this life, your human mind naturally views this other half of your soul as male. In actuality, souls are genderless.
People often wonder how nuns and priests go their whole lives without experiencing romantic love and sex. I personally feel that some of those people are actually highly evolved spiritual beings who no longer need human/romantic love in their lives. They are so spiritually evolved that romantic love seems to pale in comparison to the connection they have with the Divine.
There are also quite a few of these types of people walking around amongst us today. Do any of you know people who just do not date and seem REALLY content to be that way? I am not talking about bitter, jaded folks – I’m talking about together, functional, happy people. Well, these people often have a very fulfilling relationship with someone on the Otherside.
When you dream, this other half of your soul can link up and become one with you again. You can’t see him because he merged with you. He is not standing beside you; you “know” he is there because you can feel him as part of you.
Although he may feel separate from you, he is very much a part of you. Imagine a yin sign meeting up with a yang sign. That is pretty much how you two click together when you are in the Otherworld.
Your spirit guides deal with you when you are awake and moving around on the physical plane; they do not generally show up in your dreams. That is for other entities that are on the Otherside. If you get a message in a dream, it is therefore generally NOT from a spirit guide, but from some other spiritual being.
You have a very close relationship with this “man.” If he were in human form, you two would live a great love story. Spirit/God or whatever name you want to use knows what is best for our souls in the long run. This other side of you is in the Otherworld and not in this world for a reason. The contact you two have in your dreams is enough for your soul, or you would have more.
I hope you keep a dream journal! I wish you more exciting dreams.
Access to Spirit in any manifestation is very difficult for most people. I would say the number one problem I hear about at Psychic Chat involves a person who wants to have the kind of communication that you have with your guide and can’t seem to figure out the best way to achieve that.
The key to seeing and talking to Guides is BELIEVING. A person has to believe they are worthy of a Guide, for only then can he or she begin to gain conscious awareness of that Entity.
You are dream-traveling at night with a Spirit Guide. You are correct to think that he isn’t the masculine side of you, but rather the Being who comes with you in your dreams and in your daytime travels too. He is always with you. You’re very fortunate that you’re at least able to sense him – most people don’t see those Beings when they’re awake OR asleep.
Your ability to “talk” to him helps prove my personal theory that Guides usually don’t “speak” in the way people speak to one another. Telepathic communication with such an Entity is not at all unusual. Many don’t have language as we do, and more times than not, the Beings who use that type of communication have some sort of Divine or Angelic background.
If he spoke to you in words, it would be more likely that this person had lived as a human being at one time or another. That you speak through thought is a good indication that this being has some kind of Holy calling. This is good! If this is a Guide, it means he is traveling with you not only at night, but is also protecting you in the day.
I feel that someone has sent this particular Guide to you. A relative who crossed over sometime within the past ten years probably felt you needed more “support” than they could give you from the Other Side, and found someone to keep up with you. This loved one in Spirit was most likely someone with whom you spent a great deal of time during your childhood.
Make a point of thanking him for keeping you safe, for if you look at your life, you’ll discover MANY “close calls.” More of those seem to have happened recently. He is the one who has guided you so that you’ve kept your health, stayed out of car accidents, and been reasonably safe overall.
You’re one of those lucky people who have a “shining star” looking out for you!