Double Vision: Jump Starting New Spiritual Growth


I’ve been on a conscious spiritual path for more than 20 years now. Early on it was very exciting, and I was blessed with one amazing experience after another. My psychic abilities developed naturally and I experienced spirit communication, spontaneous healing, incredible synchronicity, etc. I’ve been looking for the next new thing for a long time now, and I’m not finding it. It can’t be that I’ve gone as far as one can go. While I don’t need mind blowing experiences, I still feel like I’m sort of stuck at this level. How do I move into new territory again? I feel like I’m coasting spiritually — not much is going on. Thanks!

 – Anne


Anne, please remember that everything in life goes in spirals. If you look at ancient religious relics or drawings, oftentimes you will see spirals or circles depicted. Spirals are my personal favorite because they give us growing room. We learn the same lessons over and over. We hone our gifts over and over. The whole time that we are learning, we are also going upwards on this spiral. So often we look over the side and think, “I am in the same spot I was in last month (or week or year or even yesterday).” You really are not in the same spot. You are higher up on the spiral, but the view looks the same. The spiral levels are so close together sometimes that we appear to be stagnant.

I love it when I can find physical world examples of spiritual concepts. If you have ever been to a large stadium in a major city, most of them have spiral walkways to the upper levels on the outsides of the stadium itself. I always grin when I see them.

I believe that in the situation of you and your gifts, you are experiencing this stagnation. You keep moving up to higher levels. You could heal a hangnail the first week and now you can heal a torn muscle, for example. You keep expecting new gifts or the same wondrous joy that happened with each new awakening. You are most definitely not at the same level, Anne. You have evolved and moved up, but as you look over the side, the
doesn’t seem to have changed much.

Your task now is to get back to the basics. Get back to looking people dead in the eye and feeling them with every fiber instead of just soaking up what you get in passing. Get back to putting your hand on someone’s arm and really feeling what they feel. Get back to sitting back and listening to what the spirits around you have to say in the silence. You have become so used to it that you have become immune to the power around you.

I live very close to the beach. I sometimes will drive down the beach road and not look over once because I am talking or thinking of something else. I often wonder how I can not look over. How can I take that for granted? It is much the same with our gifts. We get used to them and we take them for granted and then we expect fireballs and lightning strikes to give us new energy. The new energy comes from getting back to the basics.

The bottom line is that every time you can use your gifts in any way, it is an amazing moment. Go find that amazement again, Anne.

I wish you a sense of wonder on a daily basis.



I hear about people being stuck or stopped on their path a lot these days. With the world in such transition, it’s hard to find a time and place away from all the mundane chatter. Our modern pace and conveniences can get in the way of the quiet we need to keep growing spiritually.

Patience and practice are the keys here. You’ve been doing this work for 20 years, so you know when you become impatient, the universe is turned off. Attaining new spiritual growth is just like learning to do anything else: It takes years and years of practice. The only difference is that it takes many more years of practice than learning anything else!

Yes, at first a lot of images and feelings overwhelm us, but like everything else in our lives, there are plateaus and lulls in the action. By becoming impatient and needy for that rush, you block yourself from achieving anything at all. When it comes to enlightenment, 20 years isn’t that long.

Questioning your rate of spiritual growth is blocking you and detrimental to your goal. The largest part of being spiritual is acceptance that the universe knows what it is doing, and that God’s time may not be the same as yours. By searching for the thrills of enlightenment, you are blocking the next new thing. The first lesson is to give up trying to control any part of this. Once you’ve moved to that acceptance and out of ego, you’ll be able once again to experience what happened when you first began a conscious spiritual journey.

When I feel stuck along the way, I try to look for little miracles to open up to more understanding. Nature is filled with those. Find a few quiet places where people won’t interrupt your flow. Connect again with the earth under your feet, the air blowing around you, running water and the fire of the sun. These four essential elements can reconnect you to your spiritual path as you begin again to grow. It may take more than one or two times. It may take a hundred times before you feel the flow that you’re looking for, but you will feel it. There isn’t any way to force new material into being. When you’re receptive to it, it will come.

In the mean time, try achieving new understanding from all the abilities you’re tapped into now. With 20 years of discovery behind you, I’m sure there are a few bits and pieces you have now that you don’t totally understand. Focus on what you know instead of what new thing can come to you, and praise the universe with gratitude.