My mother passed away eight years ago. Two years ago I had a dream I was with my husband and friends. We left and I ended up floating alone in flooded waters near the home where I grew up. When I passed my former neighbors, they were dressed in wedding clothes, getting into limousines. From there I floated to my old home and my sister was standing in the kitchen. I commented about my mother not being invited to the wedding, and then all of a sudden I found myself sitting on a floor with my arms wrapped around my knees. I was in a dark room and there was water pouring over me like it was raining. I had my head down when I heard a voice say to me, Joanne, Jesus told me that he took my mother because he loved her.
When I looked up, I saw my mother standing there with no clothes on, covered in blood – the water was washing the blood off her body. I tried to wipe the blood from my mother and said, Mom, you’re still bleeding,
when she bent down to hug me. I started crying and said, Mom, please don’t leave me, I miss you.
When I woke up, I was crying. I often think about this dream and wonder what my mother was trying to tell me. Currently I’m keeping a diary of the dreams that I remember.
 – Joanne
Dreaming of lots of blood can be scary, but it doesn’t necessarily symbolize actual blood. If you happened to be pregnant when you dreamed about blood covering your mother, it would be pretty common.
Blood covering a parent in any dream can mean that you are dreaming about your essence, for the blood of your mom flows through your veins and then down through your children. Many pregnant women dream of being covered in blood or blood covering one or both of their parents. Here the blood represents new life – the life of your child or children.
Since Jesus was mentioned in your dream, it could mean that your mom has been covered in the blood of the lamb of God. In some Christian beliefs, this is what will happen when we die: Jesus’ blood will cover us and wash away our sins.
Perhaps this was your mother letting you know that she is just fine with that. When people strongly believe in something, that’s what happens when they cross over.
I’m a firm believer that we have lots of surprises waiting for us in the afterlife, but also that things will be very familiar, for what we believe when we’re alive will be true for us on the other side too.
Of course, the most common dream interpretation of water, blood, or any other liquid is the flowing of emotions. As the water washed down upon you, you were crying. (Tears are water). This and all that blood may represent a big emotional healing or release.
If there is anything you feel guilty about that is related to your mom, this dream was helping you to release it. She came to you to let you know that she is perfectly all right now, that her spirit has been healing and cleansing from all the wounds she experienced this last lifetime.
That’s a big concept. Think about it a bit at a time, because it won’t go into your harmony right away.
The reason this dream stays on your mind is because it’s pretty strange and intense. The vivid red of the blood, the feel of the water, the mention of Christ – all of those things would make a lasting impression on anyone.
I think this was your mom’s way of letting you know that she was perfectly all right. As for why she was naked, who needs clothes in heaven?
Her love is with you wherever you go. Her blood is your blood, and you are her immortality. Just try to live up to her wonderful view of you. She’s very proud of you, and as odd as it was, she sent this dream to you so that you would know that.
It’s apparent from what she said to you that she loves you. Treasure your memories of her and this intense, amazing dream encounter.
This dream is very powerful. It contains many messages and marks an important transition in your grieving process for your mother. I often encourage my clients to keep a dream journal, as the more you do, the more you’ll learn to recognize and decipher the messages and other blessings dreams carry.
A main theme of your dream is water. This is a very powerful icon of cleansing, healing and spiritual transformation. At the beginning of the dream, when you are floating in flooded waters, you are re-experiencing the depth, loneliness and uncontrollable emotions that passed through you when your mother died.
To watch the neighbors going about their lives as usual, like nothing had happened, represents a common feeling we all have when our lives come crashing down around us and the rest of the world seems to go on as if nothing has happened. How could the neighbors just ignore her and not invite her to the wedding?
Your sudden transition into a dark room with nothing but water pouring over your head suggests that upon speaking the truth about her passing in your dream, you were taken to an even deeper level of grieving so you could process this immense loss.
Seeing your mother covered in blood and trying to help her is a direct message from your mother to you. As she leans over to hug you, she is saying she knows you did all you could to help her or to keep her alive, and that everything is all right.
Her death wasn’t something you had control over, and her words and actions during this segment of the dream are a direct acknowledgment of your devotion to her during her time on earth.
Keep in mind that it was as difficult for her to leave as it was for you to lose her. She wants you to know that even though neither of you had a choice in the matter, the deep love and spiritual connection between you now is actually stronger than ever before.
Though you first had this dream two years ago, it will continue to cross your mind because it still holds many messages for you to decipher. Hopefully this information will bring more clarity and understanding and encourage more dreams to appear.
If you can let go of the pain and move with it as a woman might when giving birth, you’ll begin to receive more dreams and messages from your mom. She’s eager to connect with you in a new way, so you’ll come to see that she never really left you, but watches over you now from beyond.
You’ll also come to see what a wonderful blessing that is. It’s a powerful reminder that our parents never stop teaching us, whether it’s about life in the physical or life in the hereafter.