My house is built on ground that has a rich history. The house itself is almost 60 years old. When my young grandson comes to visit, he generally doesn’t want me out of his sight. He says he is sometimes scared in the house, and he won’t go in the back bedroom where his toys are unless someone is with him. Sometimes in the early morning hours, his battery-operated toys will turn on by themselves. We connect very strongly with each other, and when he looks into my eyes, it feels like he knows me better than I know myself. Can you tell me something about why he’s afraid in my house, and if he is naturally psychic? Thank you so much!
 – Monique
The house where I live will be 100 years old next March. Old houses are filled with the kind of energy you describe.
This house was the barn for the house next door, and then my great aunt’s house and then Granny’s and now mine. If I’ve been gone for a day, the spirits rush around me when I come home. So many spirits are here all the time that sometimes the energy grows strong and confusing, even for me.
Even though I have similar activity in my entire house, it is like that one room in yours. The stairs are where most of that energy gathers here. My son would never go upstairs alone in this house when he was a small fry. He’s 33 now, and he still doesn’t like to do it!
My granddaughter is more like me: She heads for those stairs as soon as she gets through the door. We hear
people on the landing of the stairs, and she will often stop there and sit on that step for a little while before running all the way up to the room that was my Big Daddy’s.
She talks to him as if he’s right there with her, and who’s to say he’s not? She’s only four, so she has yet to develop the belief that when someone dies, we can’t talk to them anymore.
Sometimes she can give me messages from him that I can’t get on my own. I get a nice, warm feeling when that happens. I’m delighted that instead of being afraid like my son, she is drawn to spirits.
Your grandson is experiencing the same kind of connection. For a three-year-old, the energy in that room is naturally frightening, but you can help him accept that he’s special and sensitive in good ways.
Living in an old house brings this out in all of us to various degrees. He’s afraid because your home is the first place this has happened to him. He’s just being careful because this is new. There will be other places as he gets older.
Like my grandchild, he’s a born medium. Is his gift being nurtured by you or his parents? Will his folks have a fit if they find out that he can speak with the dead, or would that be something your family could appreciate?
Whether it’s acceptable in your family or not, you should all try to get used to it happening with this little boy. When he’s old enough to decide, he can choose to use or block his ability, but that is going to be his decision alone.
Until then, try not to make a big deal about that room and what he feels in it. If you act natural and normal but also emphasize the good side of his sensitivity, soon his fear will dissipate and he’ll have fun tuning in to whoever or whatever is there.
Your grandson sounds very intuitive and sensitive. It’s important to acknowledge his fears and respond to them. It’s a shame our generation was encouraged to ignore, squelch or question our extra sensory perceptions when we were young. Thank goodness we’re all becoming more open to these experiences now.
I can see that you are honoring and affirming your grandson’s feelings. I sense a deep bond of love and trust between the two of you. He’s definitely an old soul, and he has much to teach you about honoring your own intuitions.
There is definitely an entity living in the room where his toys are kept. This is most likely a child-like spirit who may have lived in the house before you; a little research could confirm that.
What’s important, however, is that your grandson is picking up that this spirit is not good at sharing or playing well with others. Otherwise, he would have already become your grandson’s new imaginary
The first thing you should do is move the toys to another room or area of the house and leave them there for a week to see if they continue to turn on by themselves. While the toys are out of the room your grandson avoids, you can cleanse the area with this simple ritual:
Take four raw eggs and carefully place one in each corner of the room. You can place a bowl or plate under them in case they break. Leave the eggs in the room for seven days, checking on them once each morning and once each evening to make sure they haven’t cracked or broken.
If you discover one has cracked, flush it down the toilet and replace it with a new egg. After seven days, break all the eggs into the toilet and simply flush the negative energy away.
A week after performing this ritual, if you’ve seen no signs of activity from this spirit, see if your grandson is more open to returning to the playroom. On the other hand, if the toys continue to turn on or your grandson is still avoiding the room, you’ll want to smudge the entire house with sage or sage incense.
Light the sage and walk from room to room, asking the spirit to leave the premises and move into the light. Add that he doesn’t live there anymore, and needs to join his family on the spirit plane. As you wave the sage stick, be sure to smudge windows, doorways and any electronics in the room like TVs, computers and phones.
This should take care of the problem. From what you describe, it doesn’t sound like a poltergeist or negative entity – just a spirit who doesn’t realize he doesn’t live there anymore.