
I have a question about consulting a psychic and feeling uncomfortable with the information received. A psychic I know insists that my marriage is coming to an end and that I should learn to face it. My husband (January 29, 1960) and I (July 19, 1963) have been going through difficult times financially and personally, but I don’t feel strong enough to leave everything behind. Our business is tough, creating stress, in addition to his drinking, but I can’t seem to come to terms with the “truth” this psychic sees for me. Can it be that my own negative attitude is influencing what she’s seeing? Can I change this direction by learning to see things differently? Or have I, in fact, tried too hard to fix things on my own without my husband’s full support? I sometimes wonder if it’s wrong to consult a psychic’s advice, in my particular case, because I need to learn to trust my own intuition. Thanks for your input.

– Susan,


Susan, first I want to address your feeling that perhaps it is wrong to consult someone. That is very much a personal opinion and decision. I tell my clients every day to listen to their own instincts. I also suggest that people visit a psychic they trust to get an objective opinion on situations and decisions. Your gut will agree with a good reader you connect with, even if you do not like what you hear. It is your decision, however, to choose whether or not to continue with your psychic consultations.

I cannot tell you the number of times I see something for a client, and the client disagrees. I stick to my guns because I know what I am seeing is truth. Everyone has free will. Everyone can choose his or her own individual path. I have told clients for years that their marriages were not going well and would end if actions were not taken promptly, and many argued with me every time we spoke on it. Some people addressed the problems, got counseling and worked it out. Some divorced. Some are still living in the same unhappy situations as before, clinging to some hope that things will change.

We all choose our individual paths. One thing is for sure; it is not your reader’s fault that your marriage is in such bad shape; she is just saying it out loud. You should not punish her for speaking the truth as she sees it. I myself asked and also see that your marriage is on very shaky ground.

You need to gauge whether your discomfort with these readings comes from her speaking what you know to be true. I know from personal experience that sometimes a reader will tell us the one thing we do not want to hear. I have learned that my reader knows my situation, and can peg each thing coming down the pike. I still buck her sometimes and hope she is wrong.

I have conversations in my head that sound like, “Maybe she is wrong this time, but I did not feel it. What is she feeling that I am not feeling?” We have all had those conversations with ourselves, but remember, we go to psychics because we are too close to be objective ourselves. In those times, I am thinking that I know what is better for me than spirit does.

If you want to stay in this marriage, stay in this marriage. You have free will and can do whatever you want to do. The truth will not change, though. It will still be a really bad marriage until you somehow change it. Please do not blame your reader for speaking the truth.

I wish you contentment.



There is only one time that it is wrong to consult a psychic, and that is when you really need a medical diagnosis. I believe that we need to rely first on medical advances before we look to spiritual healing for help with something that might kill us.

No one can tell you if your marriage is going to end, but with the symptoms you describe, I believe that in your heart, you already know it’s heading that way. Your marriage will end when you are ready for it to end. Your husband doesn’t want to start communicating and stop drinking! No one has to be psychic to tell that you are unhappy with him, and that most of the problems in your marriage occur because of his selfishness. With the little I know of your story, I can tell that you have finished your karma with him. It was a long learning experience for you, but if you can find a way to leave him and the unhappy past behind you, you can experience a whole new life and love for yourself.

You’ve done everything you can by yourself to keep your marriage, home and business together. You’ve overlooked a lot of hurtful behavior, thinking that your husband would finally change. Some people never accept the karmic lessons the universe gives them. Your husband has been able to resist learning this for quite some time.

When you decide to leave this unhappy marriage, you will be free to enjoy the next relationship I see for you. This person will be loving and giving, and respect your mind and your ideas. You’ll be able to go places and travel, and have time to do all the things you have wanted to do all your married life, and he will love you much. In five years, you will look back on today and wonder who you were!

Your current husband takes for granted that you will “always be there for him.” In fact, I can hear you saying that to him over and over. It’s time for you to have a life, too. You’re still young, beautiful and a hard worker. You have a kind heart, and there are people in the world who will appreciate it.

Having said all that, I would never let a psychic make a decision that would affect my life in the way this divorce will affect you. At this time, you are the only person who can see all the options available to you. While I can’t take responsibility for what another psychic said to you, I do see your marriage coming to an end. You are absolutely right about needing to learn to trust your own intuition, because if you did, you would have already walked out the door!