I am physically exhausted most of the time. I have had all sorts of medical tests and consultations with various doctors and such, and no biological reason has been found for this. Now I’m wondering if perhaps there is a spiritual reason I feel this way, and if so, what I can do to feel better. Thanks!
– Patricia
In some women, hormones are often overlooked as a source of fatigue, and they are a common cause of the sort of exhaustion you describe. Hormonal balances can cause disrupted sleep, worry, depression, hot flashes and night sweats, adrenal insufficiency due to poor diet, stress, etc.
Ironically, a lack of physical activity can also be a reason for depression and fatigue. So many women say, “I don’t have the time or energy to go work out.” You must make that time. Go for a walk around your neighborhood for 20 to 30 minutes a day. Do something. The more you work out, the stronger you’ll get.
Poor diet and improper nutrition can also create a hormonal imbalance that results in fatigue. If you are a yo-yo dieter or follow a low-fat diet, you could very well become fatigued more easily than others. You also may have an insulin issue, which can disrupt your body’s energy metabolism. Also, if you eat a lot of sugar or a high carbohydrate diet, you will tend to get that quick rush followed by an energy crash.
In addition to reviewing your diet and checking your hormone levels, you should also look at your daily schedule. How busy are you? Stress occurs when we place demands on ourselves that we do not have the capacity to meet. We then have to live in overdrive in order to accomplish everything we’ve taken on. The pressure of deadlines, a lack of proper support, and high expectations of yourself (placed there by you or others around you) will cause burnout and exhaustion.
When you live with stress day after day, your body tries to compensate for your growing mental and physical exhaustion by shifting into energy conservation mode. That low or no energy feeling you get is your body fighting to conserve its resources.
In this state, you will become forgetful, you will not have the ability to focus, and you will tend to procrastinate. You will lose interest in work and intimacy and you will begin to feel more and more exhausted, no matter how much you sleep.
Other common signs include social withdrawal from friends and family, resentment, anger, cynicism, apathy and increased substance use of nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, food or drugs.
The acute exhaustion stage is where most people finally get a clear sense that something is seriously wrong. That is where you are now. The signs of this stage are chronic sadness, stomach or bowel problems, mental or physical fatigue, headaches, and an almost complete lack of ability to focus. Often times when people get to this stage, they quit work, leave relationships and avoid family and friends.
Get your hormones checked, but above all, commit to taking good care of yourself. I wish you wonderful health.
It sounds like you’ve been associating with psychic vampires. Psychic vampires don’t drink human blood, they sap human energy! Sometimes recognizing them is difficult, but if you go through all the people with whom you regularly interact, you’ll begin to see certain patterns emerge as relates to your feelings of low energy.
Just as old-fashioned vampires drained human corpses of blood for survival, psychic vampires must find those of us with abundant, joyous energy to attack and drain. A person under attack feels just the way you describe, and there isn’t any medical test available to detect this problem.
This creature will also feed off your fear and anxiety that you may have a serious medical problem that is going undiscovered! Worry is sweet nectar to a psychic vampire.
While the ancient vampires sometimes seemed (in stories, anyway) to regret being bloodsuckers, psychic vampires enjoy the pain and suffering they inflict on others. The evolution of their kind has made them more clever and difficult to identify. Once you figure them out, however, it’s much harder for them to victimize you.
Usually, people are victimized by a Psychic Vampire at work. Someone around you who seems jealous, envious, or rude is a good candidate. Incompetent bosses and peers who steal your ideas and take credit for your work may meet the criteria.
Often they will attempt to become your “best office friend” in order to keep draining you. Take a long hard look around you at work, and try to distance yourself from anyone who gives you that tired feeling.
Wear a religious medal, and carry some rose quartz in your purse or pocket to bring only loving feelings to you while you’re there. This is especially important if the vampire is your boss, as you have to work with that person.
St. Michael is great protection against psychic vampires, and any religious bookstore will sell St. Michael cards and medals at very reasonable prices. Often, clients who come to me for psychic readings will try that energy draining on me, so I have tons of protection around me and all over my office.
Family members who themselves have been victimized can also become psychic vampires, and staying overnight at one’s home can sap the light and life right out of you. If you feel worse after you’ve been to a family gathering, go through the guest list and see who you talked to, and review how you felt afterward. Also, this malady tends to run through families, so where you find one, you may find many.
Learning to recognize psychic vampires will prevent them from sneaking in and stealing your energy, and empower you to manifest a sense of well-being.