My dog passed two years ago. I ask him for signs that he is okay and I actually get them. For example, I asked him for a sign and discovered a dog bone on the floor at my gym. Could I ask him for guidance on the issues in my life? If so, how would I do that? Thank you!
Our animal companions are more than pets to some of us. They have the ability to comfort and bring us solace in ways no human ever could. They guide us when we’re awake and guard us while we sleep.
They continue to guide us when they leave this world. Just because their lives aren’t as long as ours doesn’t mean that we can’t continue to be together after one of us dies, for the unconditional love we feel for each other surpasses any physical connection we might forge. People can do this with each other too – just not as well.
Your puppy is surely caring for you from the spirit world. There was telepathy there when the two of you were alive, and now that one of you isn’t, there is still telepathy flowing through this relationship.
You went to your faithful companion for comfort while he was living, so why not continue to seek him out when you’re in need now? The bond between you is eternal, so there’s no reason for anything to end here.
While some people might feel this isn’t rational, I can tell you from recent personal experience that it makes perfect sense to many people. Some of us are closer to our animal companions than we’ll ever be to our human loved ones, and, sometimes, our pets help us form deep bonds with other people so we won’t be so lonely when they’re gone from us.
When my old Tigger cat left this world last May, I was a mess until I realized that he wasn’t very far away from me. He leaves me signs all over the place that he’s still taking care of me. He did it for 18 years while he was alive, and I have many reasons to believe he’s still doing it.
When I say Help, Tigger,
I can feel his beautiful extra long tail swish against my legs. Then I can be strong and courageous for whatever task confronts me.
Remember, our animals are there for us through thick and thin. They don’t judge what we do or complain about our choices. They support us throughout our lives whether they’re in this world or another.
In fact, they are with us in some ways that people never could be. You have received a real and true sign that your dog will be able to answer any question or help with any problem you might have. I think the dog bone appearing at your gym is just fantastic!
The love the two of you shared and still share is so great that even death can’t defeat it. I truly believe that we’ll all be reunited with our animal friends one day. Keep this special relationship alive in your heart until the two of you are reunited in a celestial incarnation.
It’s wonderful to know that our beloved pets can reach out to us from the other side, and even send messages or evidence to confirm that they’re nearby?
Many clients ask me if animals can visit them in spirit form like people do after they cross over, and my answer is a resounding yes! Often during my channeling sessions with clients, pets are the first to show up just to let their owners know they are happy and doing well.
As for receiving direction from him, I doubt you asked him for guidance on the important issues in your life when he was there with you, and I don’t sense that this is his purpose for connecting with you now. His main concern is the same as it was before he passed: To protect you and give you his undying devotion.
As a loyal protector, he still feels it’s his mission to watch over you and be a part of your life in much the same way he was for so many years. In particular, he appears to be intent on warning you about potential troubles.
For example, he would wake you in the middle of the night if there was a fire or an intruder, or cause you to hesitate while driving in order to avoid an impending accident.
Keep in mind that you can always request guidance from your personal spirit guides and angels, for they are all ready to help at a moment’s notice. I encourage you to invite them in and ask for signs of their presence, just like you’ve done with your dog.
In this way, you’ll be able to access the intuitive direction and guidance you’ll need to deal with all the important issues that crop up in your life. A quick way to access this guidance is through meditation, and I encourage you to set aside time each day for this purpose.
You used to make sure to schedule time every day for walking your dog, so you might think of this routine in a similar way.
Find a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted and sit on the floor in a comfortable position. Light a single purple candle and concentrate on inviting your special guides in.
Try forming a picture of each one of them in your head, as this will make them more personal to you. Some you may recognize from this lifetime, while others you may be meeting with for the first time. Either way, you can trust that they are all there to help you in any way they can.
I sense your dog is always nearby, almost underfoot like a shadow of your movements. In this way he is fueling the undying bond between the two of you and assuring you that he will remain forever by your side.
Isn’t that a wonderful feeling, Cindy?