Double Vision: Can a Living or "Virtual" Person be a Spirit Guide?


I was told by a very respectable medium that my spirit guide is a woman in her 40s. A few weeks after this reading, my teacher from an online class asked me to keep in touch, and we exchanged email addresses. She is a woman in her forties. I am wondering if there is any connection to what the medium told me. I am going through a stressful time right now, and my online teacher helps me tremendously. Is it possible she is my spirit guide? If so, does she even exist in the physical dimension?



I’m sure many people wonder this very thing. To begin, let’s clarify the term “spirit guide.” Spirit guides are people who once walked the earth, finished their lessons, are now in the non-physical, and have chosen to become teachers for those of us on earth now.

We get two main spirit guides in life: One human and one animal. As we grow and learn, these guides will at times step back and allow specific teaching guides to step in. For example, if we are learning about patience, our main guides may step into the background so a specific spirit guide specializing in patience can help us.

A medium told you that your main human spirit guide is a woman in her 40s, and now you’ve formed a bond with a helpful spiritual teacher in her 40s, but this doesn’t necessarily mean your teacher is your spirit guide. This reminds me of that old saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Our spirit guides are not the only ones who can guide us. You needed help, and a teacher arrived for you.

Your spirit guide and this teacher are not one and the same; they are two different beings. There are four equal worlds: Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. We humans put an amazing amount of stock in the physical, and tend to think of the other three as less important or less powerful. When it comes to spiritual matters, however, we may tend to value physical sources of help too little.

We can have incredible bonds and friendships with people who are not actually living in our physical world, but we can also have similar bonds with people who are alive here on earth but at a distance from us. You know that we do not need to be sitting in the same room with someone to feel their energy or share experiences with them. Your relationship with your teacher proves these bonds can be very helpful and powerful.

I firmly believe that the internet is a virtual hot bed of spiritual activity. I can find answers on the internet to just about any question I think up. For people on a spiritual quest, that is huge. I often wonder if people I chat with are human or from another dimension.

As far as your teacher goes, does it matter if she is in this dimension or another? You two have a close bond, and she is helping you – that is what matters.

I wish you continued guidance from all avenues.



Finding our guides can be an exciting experience, especially for those of us who remember having some kind of communication with them when we were children. A guide can manifest in hundreds of different ways; the experience is different for everyone. What you share and experience with your guides is unique to you, and you’re the only one who can feel it or see them. Others may be able to access them for you from time to time, but what they show you is usually only for you; it is reserved by your guides for you alone.

Each of us begins with two guides. One is an angelic spirit that becomes our conscience. The other can be the spirit of a person who has lived on earth, such as a relative or someone else who liked our energy at the time we were born, and agreed to be one of the two main guides assigned to help and guide us. Each astrological sign is also assigned an archangel and a messenger angel who carry our prayers and supplications to God.

During the time we are on earth, these guides come to us in many ways and in many forms. Some are guardian angels who look after us or protect us when we’re in danger. Sometimes our relatives who have crossed over come to us in dreams to guide us through a rough time. In times of great stress, others are called upon to come to us to help us with specific situations. You can always call your angels and guides to help you when you’re feeling depressed or when you’re in trouble and need help.

Angels and spirits aren’t the only guides we will be blessed with in our lives. Parents, teachers, children, husbands, siblings, counselors and friends all guide us every day. The people we work with guide us at work, and our families give us guidance – sometimes even when we don’t ask them for it!

While it’s certainly possible that your online teacher is a guide to you, she is a real person. While I have heard of spirits communicating through automatic writing on the computer, this isn’t the case in your situation. Your teacher is a living, breathing human being – someone you could meet in person if you ever wanted to, providing that they don’t live too far away. While it may be fun to pretend she is a spirit, she’s as real in this dimension as you and me.

Don’t value her guidance any less just because it’s coming from someone as alive as you are!