I’ve read many books and watched some videos on astral-projecting that make it seem simple, but so far, my attempts have failed. Perhaps I am trying to control it too much? Or maybe I just don’t remember my astral journeys? How can I learn more about this fascinating subject and how to start astral projecting myself? Thanks – Sarah
Hi Sarah,
I’ve been doing astral projection since I was about eight, so I do have quite a bit of experience. No matter what method you use, you can’t rush or force this.
The reason you haven’t had much success with it so far is you’ve only been trying to accomplish in a month what it takes many years to learn if you’re not born with natural ability.
I had an advantage, since everyone in my family astral travels, and they explained it to me at a very early age. It was just a natural part of being alive for me, and not something I had to try hard to learn. Also, just like everything else, I believe the younger a person is when he or she starts to do something like that, the easier and more natural it is for that person evermore.
Here’s how I learned to consciously project:
First, I have to clear my mind. This can be a big accomplishment in itself, and is much more difficult for grownups with bills, work and relationships crowding their minds. It’s very difficult to quiet the modern adult mind enough to meditate, let alone astral project.
It may take you a while to master this part. The more impatient you are to clear your mind, the more difficult it’s going to be, so try to relax, the first big step with anything mystical, for relaxation is the key to being receptive.
Here is a technique that may help you. I’ve shown lots of people this one, with varying degrees of success. Most people who have tried this can make it work in just a few months.
Picture the screen at a drive-in movie, and the setting around it. See the trees and vegetation near the screen, the poles with the sound boxes on them, everything you can think of that would be around that place.
Now put yourself into your imaginary car, put the sound box back on its pole and roll up your windows. Stay behind the wheel, since you’ll be the “driver” of this experience. Put your imaginary car seat all the way back and lean back as far as you can. Close your eyes and keep that white screen in mind.
Next, begin to see a “movie” of where you want to astral travel. Let it go for a few minutes, then slowly begin to see yourself there. With practice, you’ll begin to feel yourself there as well.
After some months of doing this and similar exercises, you’ll begin to be able to control when and where you go. There are lots of books with lots of different techniques to try, and I’m sure you’ll find your way in time.
The secret is don’t rush. Let your mind take the time it needs to accomplish this wonderful goal.
Good luck!