Daily Inspirational Quote September 1 2014

1-sep-quote"If there is no wind, row."
- Japanese proverb

Determination is a powerful force. Many people fail to achieve their dreams simply because they give up after the first try. A friend recently told me about how she and her husband were separated years ago. He had been a workaholic, judgmental and controlling. One day he slapped her, and the next day, she took their infant son and moved across the country. They were apart for two years, and she began to date other men. One day he woke up, quit his job and followed her. He got them apartments in the same complex, and then spent years devoting himself to her and his son. Eventually, things began to shift. He refused to give up, and in time they got back together. They've been happily married for many years since. When we're strongly determined, the odds may be against us, but that doesn't stop us from moving forward.