– Will Rogers
Most of us try to play it safe most of the time. For example, we may stay in a job we hate because we’re afraid if we went after our dream of starting our own business, we’d fail. This past summer my husband and I spent a few hours walking around Mackinac, a quaint little island located between the upper and lower peninsulas in Michigan. There are some charming, beautiful old homes there, and the view of Lake Huron is spectacular. We talked at length about how lovely it must be to spend summers on this peaceful, idyllic haven from the crazy modern world. As we talked about who might own those houses and enjoy that lifestyle, we concluded that most of the residents must own their own businesses, for those in the employ of others wouldn’t be able to afford it. As we coveted that peaceful island life, we realized it was only right that those who are willing to go out on a limb end up with the best fruit.