Daily Inspirational Quote for June 9, 2016


“Procrastination is the thief of time.”

I am a guilty of being a procrastinator! If procrastinating includes not being able to make a decision then I’m your woman. “Would you like a biscuit with your coffee” throws me into a panic? Should I think of my gradually expanding figure and refuse’; would I be thought rude; what if it’s a biscuit I don’t like (very unlikely but you never know)? I guess what this really means is that to procrastinate is to hesitate, and time spent hesitating means less time actually “doing” so time lost. We need to aim to be more decisive or take action sooner rather than later to thwart the thief, procrastination.

Daily Inspirational Quote by Cathi Bew - contact her at cathibewtarot@gmail.com