
“We do not heal the past by dwelling there; we heal the past by living fully in the present.”

Good advice isn’t it? Basically telling us to move on and turn our energy into making the present a much better place to find ourselves living in than the past turned out to be. It’s knowing when to let go and move on that we find difficult. It can be difficult to release our past in order to move on as everything we go through in life becomes part of us, whether we wish it to or not. We are made up of everything that happens to us since we first draw breath and this becomes who we are. However, as we travel through life, we need to realise that when our present has done what it is supposed to, it then becomes our past, so we’re always moving, never still, so should live fully in the present not the past.

(Inspirational Messages Written by Cathi Bew, AQueenofCups.com)