Daily Inspirational Message for October 25, 2013


The spirit in motion heals, expands, circles in and out of the body, moving through the layers of consciousness from inertia to ecstasy. Open to the spirit, and you will be transformed.
– Gabrielle Roth

The key to health, happiness and well-being on all levels: keep moving. What is good for the body is also good for the mind, heart and soul. Just as our bodies need to move – for the most part, the more, the better – we need to keep exploring new ideas, questioning old beliefs, and expanding our awareness. We need to keep letting go of old loves and old losses, opening our hearts to new connections and experiences, and allowing our feelings, no matter how uncomfortable they may be, to flow through us. We need to keep exploring new spiritual practices, reading new writers, and flowing with the insights and intuitions that are endlessly bubbling up from that mysterious place where intuitions are born moment by moment, every day. The more we embrace and move with change, the better we feel on all levels. To bless yourself with more aliveness, fill your day with movement: meet someone new, read something new, try something new, explore new ideas. The more freely you move through life, the more freely life will be able to bless you in all sorts of exciting and wonderful ways.