Daily Inspirational Message for May 8, 2014

58paradise-lovely-radiant-view“Life is forever offering you a beautiful opportunity to reach out and become something bigger and better, to express something more than you are expressing at this moment. You need to let more of the splendor out.”
– Dr. Frank Richelieu

Are you radiating the full essence of your being wherever you go? When I look around at others and also examine myself, I see almost all of us holding back – holding some of our light in – and I wonder why. Are we afraid to be too fabulous? Are we afraid that others will dislike us if we are too wonderful or powerful? Why try to appear to be less than we really are?

Daily Inspirational Message for May 8, 2014

58paradise-lovely-radiant-view“Life is forever offering you a beautiful opportunity to reach out and become something bigger and better, to express something more than you are expressing at this moment. You need to let more of the splendor out.”
– Dr. Frank Richelieu

Are you radiating the full essence of your being wherever you go? When I look around at others and also examine myself, I see almost all of us holding back – holding some of our light in – and I wonder why. Are we afraid to be too fabulous? Are we afraid that others will dislike us if we are too wonderful or powerful? Why try to appear to be less than we really are?