But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.
There is more security in the adventurous and exciting,
for in movement there is life,
and in change there is power.”
– Alan Cohen
If you study successful people, you will notice that despite their surface differences, they all have one powerful trait in common: they work with change instead of resisting it. As the river of change flows endlessly through our lives, some will dig their feet in and end up drowning; others will be tossed to and fro, wherever the stream carries them; a few will find a way to swim with the current. They’ll invent all kinds of creative flotation devices, then navigate their way around obstacles and whoop and holler as they shoot over rapids. Change can be terrifying and unsettling, but it can also be exhilarating and powerful when we consciously harness its force and move with it, instead of against it.