Daily Inspirational Message for March 10, 2014

woman meditating at sunset on the Caribbean beach“In this state you remain calm and composed during activity. You realize that you are moved by the deeper real Self within and are unaffected by what you do or say or think. You have no worries, anxieties or cares, for you realize that there is nothing that belongs to you as ego, and that everything is being done by something else with which you are in conscious union.”
– Ramana Maharshi

This unbreakable serenity is the pay-off for practicing meditation. Few receive it, for it is not easy to maintain any regular discipline, much less to simply sit when the world is constantly pulling at us to do something. It’s such a simple answer that most people fail to understand or appreciate it. If you’re tired of suffering, give yourself a month of daily meditation, and if it works for you, make it an inseparable part of who you are and how you live.