Daily Inspirational Message for September 2, 2013


Manifestation is not the end result of recognition of need. It is the immediate result of recognition of supply.
– Alan Cohen

Like many people, I often catch myself worrying about the future even though I know that worrying will undermine my ability to create what I want in my life. It takes constant vigilance to notice when I’m caught up in fear, and tremendous mental effort to shift my thinking and energy. The best way I know to do that is to simply pull my attention back to the present and ask myself, ‘How is everything in my world in this very moment?’ In almost every moment, I already have all I really need or the power to get it: If I am hungry, I can eat; if I am tired, I can rest; if I am bored, I can do something else; if I am fearful, I can read something uplifting or engage in a guided meditation or spend some time in yoga – the possibilities are endless. When we focus on all we have and how wonderful everything already is, we naturally feel good and align with the power to create even more blessings.