– John O’Donohue
I process a lot of emails every day, and while 95% of them are full of kindness and appreciation, I am often shocked by how angry, rude, critical and inconsiderate people can be when they are communicating via the internet. Sometimes, they make me want to abandon the internet entirely and move to the country where none of those rude people would be able to reach me. When I’ve had it with people’s negativity, I start to pray for sweeter experiences, after which I inevitably receive an email or have an experience that glows so bright with beauty and kindness that I’m grateful for being able to connect with people electronically. If the world is looking dark and ugly because a few souls are taking their pain and anger out on you, I highly recommend praying to be shown the beauty and kindness all around you, for doing so always blesses me with an experience that restores my faith in humanity.